The data sheet isn't clear about the worst-case conditions for Autostore, so the smallest require capacitor can't be calculated. I would use a larger capacitor to give the IC more time to store.
Tony has assumed 2 mA. The typical is 1 mA and the max is 3 mA.
When the power is turned off, the voltage goes down as the capacitor discharges. When the capacitor gets to 4 V, the Autostore starts, and there has to be 2 ms before the voltage gets to 3.5 V.
The Voltage on a 1 Farad capacitor will go down at 1 V / second if a current of 1 A is drawn from it. That's the definition of a Farad.
In this case, I would take the current as being 3 mA, and the voltage has to go down by 0.5 V (or less) in 2 ms, so the rate of change of voltage can be up to 250 Volts / second. As the current can be up to 3 mA, the capacitor needed is 0.003 / 250 = 12 μF. Tony got a result of 8 μF by using 2 mA as the estimate of current.
3.3 μF may well work, because the typical current is 1 mA and the Autostore could take less than 2 ms, and it could work OK down to a lower voltage than 3.5 V.
I would use something like 22 μF to be sure. It's still a tiny capacitor and large won't hurt.