Digital Radio Formats

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Hola AT,

Any prevailing failure in those radios you managed to repair? Do they work on baterries only or on 220 AC as well?

None of them had provision for battery power ...
Powered with either 240vac into small SMPS board or 240vac/6vdc wall wart.... ...

Problems were mostly poor solder joints although a couple with onboard SMPS had a blown chip. Identical board in both cases; same chip blown;

There were no recognisable markings on the soot, so I replaced whole board .. ..

I bought 11 units and repaired 9 of them with PSU problems; the other two powered OK but had a problem within the operation of the processor system .. .. I could track a signal in but the processor board is all SMD into a 64 pin IC about the size of my little finger nail .. very difficult to follow, so I put the useful bits in a box andthe rest in the bin !

Good to hear from you AT .. ..

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