Digital Speedometer

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Asalam o Alaikum...
Dear All i want to make digital speedometer for my motrocycle Dayang 110-26 i want to know about the speed sensor .. which sensor i should use for speed sensing .. so that i read signal .....
Asalam o Alaikum...
Dear All i want to make digital speedometer for my motrocycle Dayang 110-26 i want to know about the speed sensor .. which sensor i should use for speed sensing .. so that i read signal .....

is it your hobby/educational project ?
or are you going to use this for actual use ?

I would suggest optical/IR transmitter receiver with a disc having holes.
measure the number of rays coming per second and divide it by total number of holes. This will give you Revolutions per second. Then calculate RPM

its my hobby too .. but m going to use this in my motorcycle ...
now plz can you tell me where should i install IR transmitter Receiver on my front tyre ?


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I would advise against the optical sensor

as the sensor will get dirt in it thus causing false readings.
As I understand it most use a hall effect sensor.
this uses a magnet attached to the wheel or other rotating object.
determine circumference of wheel number of rotations for say 10 feet
then calculate the time.
there are electronic speedometers on Ebay as to build an accurate unit a micro-controller is suggested.

Thank you soo muchhh... i should consider this option ....

can you tell me which hall effect sensor IC (Digital output) should i use?
depends on how far you want to go

just google bike computer or bike speedometer.
then hall effect switches.
here is a couple of links

**broken link removed**

the bike computer I think uses optical sensors but a hall effect sensor could be incorporated very easy.
the second link diecribes a hall effect switch arrangement.
reed switches could be used but are not as reliable or IMO as fast as a hall effect sensoe.
look at automotive ingition systems - they mostly use a hall effect type sensor.
good luck

hello sir,
i m doing project on digital speedometer...Mine question is...
When the speed of the vehicle goes above the certain limit say 60km/hr,then certain type of signal should be generated which will be input 2 mine other circuit indicating that speed is above the limit...whether this is possible in the digital speedometer without designing new speedometer???If yes then how???If not then can u give me certain idea about how 2 do this???speedometer can be of any indian vehicle...
waiting for reply... SAM...(
just add some code that when the speed reaches X then alarm or ?? is turned on.
thanx...but how to implement it without designing new speedometer...
& on which bike's speedometer it will be easy to less time...
To detect when freq > setpoint, you just need a 555 timer that produces a fixed output pulse width.

Then connect the 555 time routput to a RC low-pass filter, which gives a voltage that is exactly proportional to freq. You can then connect that to a comparator to detect the setpoint, or even just a NPN transistor base will do the job.
good point but the 555 could change frequency due to temp etc. but much easier than add a bit of code to bike computer.
sir, i wanna make a digital speedometer for measuring speed upto 60 km/hr. can i use reed switch for that???? will it be able to adjust itself with the speed of tyre??? if not then what kind of sensor i should use?
i wanna make the circuit using 8051 microcontroller. will it harm my circuit????????. if yes then upto what extent???????????
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