digital triggering of thyristor

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My M.Tech project is "Design of digital triggering circuit for 1 phase converter" I am making use of ATmega 32 controller, i have design the code which makes use of analog voltage 0-5 V, convert it with the help of ADC to 0-1023 counts. This count is use to decide the firing angle to trigger the thyristor. By varing voltage firing angle will vary. For 1 phase the code is ready, i have check tigger pulse waveform on DSO.

At the port of ATmega 32 the trigger pulse which is obtain, is 0.5 V and 100 mA.This pulse is not sufficient to trigger the thyristor, So i have use MOC 3021 which is an optocoupler driver IC for the same.

Please tell me which thyristor should i use for it. I have use BT 169,TYN 616 but i dont found the specific results.
please help me..
I have attach MOC 3021, BT169, BT 152 and TYN 616 datasheets.
Any one of those thyristors should do, depending on the load it is driving. Bear in mind that the necessary trigger current can be up to 32mA (for the BT152) and the thyristor when triggered needs to pass enough current to latch on and stay on (see the datasheets for latching and holding values)
but i dont found the specific results
Can you be more specific? Which results?
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Thank You sir for your valuable reply,
Sir, I have apply tirgger pulse through MOC 3021 optocoupler to BT169 for Isolation of trigger and driver circuit.
pin connections of MOC 3021 i made are...
pin 1-- +5V
pin 2-- trigger pulse from controller
pin 3-- No connection
pin 4-- connect Gate terminal of thyristor
pin 5-- No connection
pin 6 -- connect Cathod terminal of thyristor

whats about ground pin of 5V supply and ground pin of trigger pulse ?where should i connect it?
I have check output by making the above connection and shorting the ground terminal of 5V and trigger pulse.. I found that there is no voltage across pin no 4 and pin no. 6
where is the problem?
trigger pulse is having the following specifications

1) Rise Time 35.50 µsec
2) Fall time 35.38 µsec
3) Positive Width 100 µsec
4) Negative Width 19.90 µsec
5) Frequency 50Hz
6) Period 20 ms
7) Mean 22.2 mV
8) Peak 544 mV
9) Min -20 mV
10) Max Voltage 580 mV

kindly provide the solution..
At the port of ATmega 32 the trigger pulse which is obtain, is 0.5 V and 100 mA
I'm surprised you can't drive a BT169 directly from the micro. I'm not familiar with the Atmega 32. How is the port configured? Is it open-drain? If so, does it have a pull-up resistor? What value? Is the 0.5V present when the port pin is driven low or high?
pin connections of MOC 3021 i made
You make no mention of a current-limiting resistor in series with the opto-diode of the 3021. The current must be < 50mA.
ground pin of trigger pulse
Surely that's the same as the ground pin of the Atmega?
I found that there is no voltage across pin no 4 and pin no. 6
You haven't said you connected pin 4 or 6 to any voltage source.
What supply voltage and load are you using with the thyristor? You talk of phase and converter, is the thyristor across a diode bridge? If not, shouldn't you be using a triac instead of a thyristor?
It would help us if you could post a schematic of your present set-up.
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