Digital volume control

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New Member
Hello everyone,

I had construct a simple volume control circuitry using switch debouncdr technique.My problem is,the response of the circuit is very slow..about 70s to get to full volume.Im already vary the value of Rx and 100Ω will give the better response about 40s. Is there any way to achieve faster response,let say 10s to get to full volume mode?


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Yes..i read the power down part actually.The problem is,i cant relate my situation with the power don case right now.
Yes..i read the power down part actually.The problem is,i cant relate my situation with the power down case right now.
IC1 is the debounce chip, not the reset chip. It's suppose to have a capacitor.
As i read the IC2 datasheet again, to control the timing,we require to vary capacitor connected to pin 4(SWT).If i removed the cap,make it infinity, the fast response will be get.The calculation can be get from the datasheet also.
use this IC "PT2253"
its pretty easy too
download the data sheet and there is an application circuit in fine too
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Digital Volume Control~modification

I want to make some modification on my circuit.Let say i want to add some LEDS as a volume indicator,how i want to combine the circuit?
Why not go with a 16-step volume adjustment pot, like the CAT5120TBI-10-GT3?

128 steps is WAY too many. It is aggravating to have to wait to go up and down a hundred steps for volume. 16 steps is MORE than enough.
Why im unable to get the same response as what i calculated?Is it because of internal capacitance inside the IC or the logarithm response of DS1666?

I don't understand how changing the value of Rx has any effect on the step rate unless you are loading the supply voltage down, and that effects the timing somehow (which it shouldn't unless you getting below the specified operating voltage of the MAX6301). The voltage at the bottom on Rx is always at GND potential, no matter what value it is.

With the two capacitor values shown, the step rate is 3.5 Hz, or 285 ms per tap, (remember?) for a total of 36 seconds for 128 taps from one end of the pot to the other. A more reasonable rate would be 14 Hz, or 220 pF at the SRT pin of the MAX6301, instead of 1 nF.
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