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New Member
Hi all

I am still busy learning about diodes

I see on all Schematic sercuits with a LED there is always a diod connected to that LED now what does the diod do to the LED.
geraldh said:
Hi all

I am still busy learning about diodes

I see on all Schematic sercuits with a LED there is always a diod connected to that LED now what does the diod do to the LED.

No, I would have thought it would be fairly rare to have a diode connected to an LED, how is it connected?, perhaps you could give a URL?.

Where you do need a diode is with AC, an LED would be damaged by AC and the extra diode protects it.
geraldh said:
Hi all

I am still busy learning about diodes

I see on all Schematic sercuits with a LED there is always a diod connected to that LED now what does the diod do to the LED.

I don't really understand your question. Do you realise that a LED is a diode? LED = Light Emitting Diode.

Or did you mean as Nigel assumed that there is a diode in series with the LED. If so, this is unusual. The usual reason to do this is to protect it from reverese breakdown if there is a reverse voltage applied. From memory, LEDs have a maximum reverse breakdown of about 3 Volt.

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