As it's solar, why such a high battery voltage? - much more common (and sensible) to use a much lower voltage, and all the control systems you need are freely available.
I went to a house a few years ago, the address was 'Mill Close' (bit of a giveaway) and it was the left hand one of a semi-detached pair. The original stream that fed the old mill on the site was actually dead on the centre line of the two houses, so they got together and installed a small water turbine - this provided 2KW of power, permanently, the stream came from underground and never dries up.
Despite the fact I was actually delivering and installing a washing machine, I spend a fair bit of time talking to the owner - they shared the output of the turbine, 1KW each, no batteries involved, and if the house requirement was under 1KW the excess power was simply sent to storage heaters upstairs (much like you're planning doing it with water). As far as I'm aware, everything used was freely available, and it's operation was totally transparent.