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Well-Known Member
Most Helpful Member
I don't know why, and I can't message him, but for some reason jjw disliked one of my posts in this thread;
When I was asking for more info from the OP.
I don't get it.
Can anyone else see where that post should be disliked.
It kinda hurts never happened before.
Don't know can't message him.
Wish I could.
Maybe a mod can help?
I just had a look and cannot see a dislike anywhere in that thread.

Same thing happened with me.....spammer started crap....a Mod banned her and deleted her posts....but the dislike of me was not deleted from her poison ways of just causing havoc (she was just a POS trolling and causing crap..I never interacted with her even once). So I reported my Neg rep.

Matt fixed it.

So I am grateful we have sensible Moderation here. People that just get on with life and know right from wrong.....without any drama.

Now that is what holds the ETO ship together.


Sidenote: I fought a War here once...a big one. Was worth the effort though.

Many deserved Neg reps......but that is part of ETO's character. Bland, spineless people never get anywhere. The yes people. That like to shine by agreeing with the crowd.....

Me, nah. Tell it like it is as rough as is. No baby powder here

My bum craps missiles.


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I have a dodgy mouse or when sitting with wireless keyboard and mouse on a book on my lap, **** happens and things get pressed. I dont think it was anything personal and most likely accidental. From what I have seen lately the old drama and nit picking seems long gone, The forum while a little slow at present is much more like it was when at its best. I am sure it will recover to its former glory, especially as I see other places starting to fall into the old trap and power trips etc etc etc.

But thats online life! As soon as I get time I have loads and loads of old projects I want to revamp, so as long as no one minds I will start posting them up along with the new stuff I have done over the last 12 months. Asking and answering questions is good, but for me you cant beat an electronics site that has projects etc and write ups, the rapid fire Q&A gets boring after a while without some meat on the bone.

And oddly enough while I am not great at transistor and analogue stuff I have developed an interest, mainly because I have a parts bin full of all IC's etc. So rather than let them gather dust I might do some write ups as I learn and post some newbie guides and useful circuits I have collected. I am sure others will jump in and point out the mistakes I make, so hopefully it might end up a useful resource.

I have tended to reach for a micro for most things, but I do enjoy the transistor and analogue stuff once in a while .

I am busy with a PP3 charger meant for commercial purposes...for Churches. Africa has a need for this as there are a LOT of Churches here and they are using crappy chargers that are destroying the batteries. (In microphones for churches).

I am not elaborating yet.....but I know a little PP3 better than most.

More later. I am going to do serious work here.

Till later,
I am so glad all my old friends are still here.
Love projects, I will start some up soon.
BTW apologize I do realize its cutting it fine, hopefully its obvious what I am saying without being overtly offensive
I tried to make it family friendly! my current views on said vipers nest however are not important, so if deemed to close to the border delete it.
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