Dismantling a Transformer

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New Member
Hey there,

I've collected some broken equipment of various types and i want to start taking apart the transformers so i can have a stock of ferrites for later use in other transformers.

What's an effective, and more importantly safe way, of weakening the various types of glue holding these things together?

I tried cracking one with a hammer, but the ferrite shattered and the glue was still intact. Bad idea.

Anything else i could try?

Thanks in advance!

You must warm the transformer in order to melt the glue for extract the ferrite core.
The ferrite core can be broken if you force it mechanically.
For warm use a metallic plate over a gas flame or other hot source and put the transformer on this plate, and wait. When is warmed enough, the core can be separated easy with hand force but watch out to avoid burning your fingers.
I assume you know about the different grades of ferrite and their different frequency applications?
After you got the core apart make sure the mating surfaces are spotlessly clean, the slightest bit of residue there woud cause an airgap and drastically reduce core performance. However, with some transformers the cores have a deliberate air gap to prevent them saturating.
Have fun :wink:
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