Distance to Motor Powered Music Box

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New Member
Hello all,

I am connecting an IR range finder to an Arduino and then to a motor to turn a music box. The music box is one of the small ones that pulls a sheet of music through controlled by your hand rotating a lever.**broken link removed**

I have made the arduino code by adapting **broken link removed** to suite. I have included my version bellow.

I now need to find a motor that will power the music box and this is where I could do with some help. What voltage of motor (or any specific type) will I need to turn the music box?
And do you think I might have to change anything in the schematic other than the power supply?

I am a big time beginner and could do with the help, thanks..

Arduino Code//
int IRpin = 0; // analog pin for reading the IR sensor
int transistorPin = 9; // connected from digital pin 9 to the base of the transistor
int IRValue = 0;

void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // start the serial port
void loop() {
float volts = analogRead(IRpin)*0.0048828125; // value from sensor * (5/1024) - if running 3.3.volts then change 5 to 3.3
float distance = 65*pow(volts, -1.10); // worked out from graph 65 = theretical distance / (1/Volts)S - luckylarry.co.uk
analogWrite(9, distance);
Serial.println(distance); // print the distance
delay(100); // arbitary wait time.
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