Divergences and convergences

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There are a bunch of different rules. I'm going to take a stab in the dark and guess you're in 2nd Year EE? A lot of the questions you've asked over the last few days are ones that I'm writing exams on right now.

I'll write up some stuff and post the picture. That way we'll get all the subscripts and stuff.

This will be a good review for me too .
And the last of it. These should be able to tell you most of what you need to know for convergence and divergence. Feel free to ask any questions, I'll be checking back to this thread throughout the day.


  • seqnseries4.jpg
    27.1 KB · Views: 280
Thanks for the info....
May i know infinity /4 x infinity =1/4? Is that correct?
Can we assume infinity to be of any number?
Pls advise.
Can i ask u another Q? How do we know which type to apply given a sequence to test whether it's convergence or divergence?
Which test do u normally applied it to the equation?
what's the differences between generalised ratio test and ratio test?
Pls advise. How do i know the differences?
Pls advise.
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