Well interesting, it does seem to be a little spark whenever i connect power to this amp. Doesnt matter if i connect batteries or external DC.
Anyway it seems i connected everything fine. You know what was the fault ? A simple button i salvaged from old computer power suply. I used this buttons on all my projects and never had any problems. This time though, for some strange reason this button made battery pack act strange, sometimes it showed 3V instead of 25V, sometimes it was jumping between 10 and 30V. I have no idea how this button could do it, since its a normal button that either connects or doesnt. All i know is that i disconected everything and only left the button and it wasnt working. Then i used another button and suddenly its working. Connected all the other things and its still working. Electronics never stop to amaze me. Would u care to speculate how this button could do what it did ?