DIY nice push Buttons?

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New Member
Has anyone found any ways of creating nice ptm buttons? Im sick of making amatuerish looking projects with nasty maplin like push buttons.

Im thinking along the lines of maybe using a common micro button and then some sort of soft rubbery gromet type thing to hide it.

I saw something on the internet, but now i cant find it now.
They had taken some weird jelly type rubber things, and stuck a bit of latex gloves round them onto the hole in the case.
This produced a rubber button with a bit of spring to it. Problem is I cant find any attractive rubber parts that could be used.

Anyway, any ideas?

Many thanks.
You can make your own capacitive touch switches using a PCB covered in paper and stick backed plastic.
You could also cover said PCB with moderately thin acrylic....meaning that the touch switches could be backlit.

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