DIY pack needed for micro pro k150 programmer.

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I have a k150 programmer that has previously worked ,on an old laptop running windows xp. As xp is no longer supported ,I tried to set the programmer up again on a net book ,running windows 8 64 bit ,within a virtual machine running windows xp. The micro pro software Zip file I tried to download, from the kitsrus website only to find that the zip file archive is corrupt.I need this file as the version of the micro pro software,needs to match the firmware version on the k150 board.The prolific driver has installed correctly and works, every time the board is connected to the USB port on com 3.I keep receiving reset errors and receive them when I check the protocol within the software or an error stating the board is not responding.I have read on other forums and blogs that you can reprogram another pic chip with updated firmware but I would like to install the correct software first and ensure compatibility before I go down that road. The old laptop is now not working unfortunately ,and stupidly did not make a backup copy of the file I am asking for.It is frustrating as this board has worked previously.Any advice or a link to the file in question ?
Cannot help with the k150 program problem, but for the low prices on ebay, a clone Pickit3 or even the great little Pickit2 would be a much better option imho, many more chips can be programmed than the k150 plus you have extra functions like usart tool and logic analizer etc.

Also plenty of good but simple diy versions of the Pk2 on the forum if you like building.

Don't know if its relevant, but often seen posts about programmer problems when using a 64 bit Windows.
I have tried the buy here 22 software and it doesn't work with my programmer .Still comes up with protocol error with software and firmware.Am seriously thinking about building my own pic programmer as suggested.It is frustrating as it did work on a laptop running windows xp 32 bit.I have most of the parts required to make my own programmer.Cut out the stress and losses in wasted time and productivity !!!

Forum member Bill from Blueroom posted the circuit below *, though cannot find his original sites / posts.

As said even in this basic state is does all the popular chips and debugging etc, just that is does not do the very latest chips, but for £10 /$10 its a no contest in my book.

You just need a 18F2550 or 4550 programmed up, sure someone local will help if you are stuck for doing that.

Some searching and you will probably find a suitable pcb layout.

* don't know why but it won't let me upload .jpeg or jpg files and it says .bmp are too large ?? sure a quick google and you will find his good circuit.

** ahh, it was something to do with FF browser, ok to upload via Chrome


  • 000234.jpg
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  • 000233.jpg
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Thank you for all your responses!! Thought I had cracked my problem with the k150 but still refuses to program successfully.Protocol error in micro pro system mismatch with firmware on programmer.That said could read chip (16f84),blank it ,verify it and program but before it finished programming successfully returned yet another reset error.Absolutely furious.Unless someone out there has a working copy ,of the daypack downloaded from the kitsrus website, which has the correct version of micropro to match the firmware on the programmer,I'm starting work on a DIY version of a usb pic programmer regardless.If you visit the kitsrus website the daypack file downloads,but when I try and extract the contents it says the archive is invalid or corrupt.
Hi Colin,
I assume that when you say that the file you dowloaded is corrupt you mean that it will not unzip. If it unzips it normally means that the files in the ZIP file are OK.
I found this URL using Google to look for ""
It unzips using 7-zip to give 3 files
Directory of C:\Download\DIYpack21\diypack21

14/02/2016 19:56 <DIR> .
14/02/2016 19:56 <DIR> ..
14/02/2016 19:56 0 list.txt
08/06/2004 11:47 787 SETUP.PKG
07/09/1995 19:22 8,192 _ISDEL.EXE
08/06/2004 11:47 842,872 _SETUP.1
4 File(s) 851,851 bytes
2 Dir(s) 67,768,258,560 bytes free
(list.txt is just the file I listed it to with the command dir > list.txt in a dos window

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Thank you Les for replying to my last post.I will try what you suggested and advise you in due course.The software and firmware issues with this programmer have been a nightmare. The programmer was working previously on an old laptop running windows xp. As others have suggested don't buy cheap clones of programmers,then you eliminate frustration and disappointment ,when they don't behave or function as expected. In some respects this has been a valuable learning experience . I am encouraged to build my own DIY pic programmer which will be compatible with mplab and pic kit software.
Hi Colin,
When I first started playing with PICs (PIC16C84 and PIC16F84) I built one of the parallel port programmers. I later bought a PICkit2 when it was on offer with one of the electronics magazines. I had a problem (After a few years use.) with the PICkit2. It's firmware became corrupt and I had to re program it. At the time I had a problem with not having another programmer that would program the PIC used in the PICkit2. (I can't remember how I got round it.) After that I built a clone PICkit2 so I had a way to easily re program the original PICkit2 if the firmware became corrupt again. (It has not failed since.) I tend to use the clone more than the original PICkit2 as I built it into a box with a couple of ZIF sockets on. I have since bought a PICkit3 to program some PICs that can't be programmed with a PICkit2. If you gave some idea of your location in your profile there maybe someone close enough to you to program a PIC for you. (Which you will need to build a PICkit2 clone.

Thank you Les.I have programmed pics before for two projects that have worked well. Both were frequency meters . One was an LCD version the other, a 8 digit seven segment multiplexed display version . I tried what you suggested in the previous post by the way and the file when opened in 7 zip keeps coming up with errors crc failed setup 1 . When checking properties of the zip file also mentions error of unexpected end of data. I am so angry and annoyed it is unreal . At my earliest possible convenience will be starting construction of my own pic kit 2 DIY programmer.I will also update my profile as I would like to start up a local electronics group for support help and build projects as a collective.
Hi Colin,
It's strange why you get an error unzipping the zip file. I have put the three files that resulted from unzipping in the public folder of my dropbox account. Here are the links to the three files.

**broken link removed**

**broken link removed**

**broken link removed**

I will leave them for a few days so you can try them.

For the third file you have to right click on it and select "save link as" to get the option to save it. If you left click it tries to display it as a text file.

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I have downloaded the files but cannot do anything with them .What application opens these files . The setup.1 and setup.pkg both have blank icons next to them . No application installed to open either only the isd file does anything. Thank you for uploading them by the way !!
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Hi Colin,
I assumed that you would know how to install the software. I assumed that the two setup files contained some information use by the .exe file. There may be some information about installing the software on the kitrus website.

I have just had a look at some of the zip files for other versions of the software and they contain several more files. So it looks like there are files missing. from version 21

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If files are missing wouldn't matter if I did know how to install . As mentioned the files downloaded were in a format not recognised by my operating system.No program's installed that could even open them ,let alone install anything.I do appreciate all your help and comment but grow tired of the unproductive nature of my work.I have started constructing a pic kit 2 clone programmer,so hopefully will have more success with this line of inquiry.
*.exe is executable. You don't need any program to open it. You just double-click it and it runs.
I have decided to build a DIY pic kit 2 clone as constructed by member drjeseuss on the dangerous prototypes forum / blog. The circuit uses an mcp 601 op amp and bs250 p channel mosfets for clarification. I have almost completed the build, but need advise on where to get the hex file to burn onto a pic18f2550 for the pic kit 2 firmware. There are many designs out there and I have seen the file in question posted on another website build your own pic kit 2 ( el ). I am wondering if the hex file listed in this article would work in my circuit ? As it is only the firmware for the project after all .Please advise or if you know of a link to the correct firmware for the pickit 2 for the DIY clone project (dr dejeseuss ). Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Colin . I was going to build a PK2 clone , not sure where I got files from , circuit and hex ( I believe it used the MC FW file ) how you going to get hex into PIC ?


  • PK2V023200.hex
    90.9 KB · Views: 331
The file you need is PK2v021000.hex (Don't worry that no software on your computer can open or execute it.) Download the file PICKIT2.RAR from here
Unpack it. (Using for example 7-ZIP) One of the files you will get is Unzip that and you will get PK2v021000.hex

I have just seen granddad's post #19 His link is probably a later version than my link.

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