DIY video - making a Triode

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Great!!! very long Story but Informative. From sheet of metal until To triode. Loveee!!! this video.
wow, what a process!

hey what was he making at the end, some sort of x-ray / cathode ray tube?
What a fantastic video.

Have you seen the hobby welders that people use to assemble batteries. link

They come out like this,
**broken link removed**

Pommie said:
Have you seen the hobby welders that people use to assemble batteries.
I guess that would work pretty well. I think I remember that schematic being posted here a while ago.
crusty said:
awesome, give the man props! now that's some talent, and a lotta time/equipment.
He probably made a lot of hist equipment himself.

I wonder what he does for a living.
Hero999 said:
He probably made a lot of hist equipment himself.

I wonder what he does for a living.
yeh that oven looking contraption looks to be homemade. I can't believe he went as far as to blow his own glass containers also. I mean making the guts is complicated enough without even thinking about the glass tube and vacuum for it to go in. You know as much as he spent on the equipment he probably coulda got some made in china to fill the entire room. rofl.
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