DMM Blues again Fluke 8840A

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Well-Known Member

Regular visitors will probably recall I was seeking help to recalibrate my Mastech DMM because my Fluke 8840A was showing it suffered a large discrepancy. The remedy came easily when a local retired Tech Services guy recalibrated it for a few pounds.

All was well in the world until just a week later I was using the Fluke 8840A and became aware of an unwelcome odour, looked up at the Fluke display just in time to see it disappear ! Quick power off, odour disappeared, power back on no display but more odour !

I had a good poke around inside but couldn't see anything alarming, but I couldn't see much of the display module without big time dismantling which I was reluctant to undertake.

I did some net searching and on EEVBlog I found a number of references to a Co called Golovatol (AHOL) in the Ukraine; they invited me to view Ebay item No 155514220604 and I placed an order. It took a while to get here but given the situation that's no surprise.

It arrived yesterday, and a couple of hours this morning has resulted in this .. .

Result !

It's not for the faint hearted, much of the plastic surrounding the display unit has gone brittle with age and if you're like me - Sainbury's Pork Sausages for fingers - it's very fiddly, but patience will reap dividends.

Were you able to determine exactly what burned out in the display?
Not really .. .. .. whilst the faulty display was still in place, I managed to trace the 5v supply to it and establish the voltage was pulled down by the fault, but once out of the case there is nothing visible, and it's difficult to explore because the display assembly comprises a 40 pin thin LCD panel completely encased in glass.

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