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New Member
Now it's summer and some time to kill, believe it or not...

I just picked up my old project to build a switchpack controlled by DMX512.

Since I'am really new to designing electronics I need som help even with the basics and I hope someone here is interested to help.

The main idea of the design is to split it into two boards, one containing the controllers and one containing the relays and powersupply. This first schematic is the controller part.

The 8DIP-switch on PORTB is used to set the DMX-start address. I thought it would be ok to use the internal pull-up resistors of the PIC.

RC7 recieves the DMX-signal converted to TTL-levels by the 75176B.

RC6-RC4 is currently unused. What am I supposed to connect them to?

RC0-RC3 contolls some status LEDs.

PORTA holds the output. My idea is to drive both the LED and the transistor in serial. The collectors will be connected to the relays (probably 12V=)

X3-3 is supposed to connect to a switch that would make it possible to reset the processor.

X3-2, X3-4, X3-6 will be connected to the DMX-input.

So... What's wrong, bad or ugly with this? :wink:


  • dmx9.png
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