You need to do a few things based on my training.
1. Create a binder of the MSDS's of all the chemicals used in "your lab". It should be VISIBLE and Labeled MSDSs.
2. For processes, perform a "Job Hazard Analysis" before doing them and document. It's pretty simple to do, but your really identifying the personal protective equipment that you need and what the hazards are and what the spill cleanup and waste disposal will be.
3. No unknown chemicals are permitted ever. They must be labeled.
4. Every once in a while perform a "safety inspection".
I do actually do most of this, i also have COSHH records and the firebrigade no where the COSHH list is as I also have a cylinder of hydrogen and propane. I keep an upto date lab book so if the police come asking questions all my experiments are documented, I dunno I just went blank and didnt do a thing the way I normally do.
I use chlorine etc so have Led lights on backup if the power goes, my fume hood has a sash window that has a break on power fail bolt, so the power goes and the sash closes. I have kill switches for the power and one for all power including the fan on the fume hood. All oxidizers are stored at one end in a metal cabinet and all reducers at the other end. <y acids are in a lab fridge and other more dodgy chemicals like bromine are ampuled and kept in a freezer in separate containers.
I have the correct gloves for each type of acid and base, I am anal on safety but still for no reason I went into stupid mode and didnt follow a single normal thing I would do.
If I dont get my head back in the game soon then lab work is out for a while. It was sodium hydroxide which is bad enough but compared to many the chemicals I handle its a pussy cat, The goggles bother me alot because the first time I used hydroxide my dad put a pigs eye in a beaker of it to demonstrate what happens if you get it in your eyes. Never have I ever not worn eye protection in the lab! I also where what looks like fishing waders to chest height, they resist most chemicals.
I thought it was a bit overkill until the day I had a 1ltr flask of hot 98% sulphuric acid have the bottom drop off it as I lifted it out the heating bath, the heat got through a little but no acid, I have clean up kits and it was not a big deal.
I think if I am honest I am not in the right frame of mind to be lab working at the mo, but I have put so much effort in on this and the yeast stuff. I will probably get a friend to come over and help out. I am almost sleepwalking at the moment, not a good state to be in a lab in. Because of UK law I have to operate under a company my mum set up so I could own and order certain chemicals like nitric acid (conc), its illegal here to own it otherwise, so even my little lab is run like a business (money loosing lol), but she makes me do all the paperwork required like the safety COSHH stuff and MSDS, I even do them for the stuff I synth.
This was purely stupidity with the brain firmly in the off position. The hand hurts alot today.
People think acids are bad but strong bases take some beating for pain
. I am making chlorine later in the week for a synth of a strong bleaching powder I use to make Chloroform with IPA, I wont be doing it unless I get my head together