Do you Live in China ??

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New Member
Hello Dudes,

Well I m working on a project and i m facing some difficulties beacuse i don't know chinese and i don't live in China :S

Anyone that lives in China can help me by giving a call and talk to the manufacturer in chinese :$ ???

Thanks a lot
it is better to ask the same org to call one of their office to translate your talk to them. A third party may not appeal to them.
I'd be willing to bet that there are almost no people in China with free and unfettered access to the Internet. If there is a person there with access to the Internet and this forum he probably isn't in a great hurry to advertise his presence.

Politics does occasionally seep through, and I'm quite sure the government wants none of that.
Try to talk to them in English. I know they are well educated now and English might be their second language for an engineering grad.
t.o. said:
Try to talk to them in English. I know they are well educated now and English might be their second language for an engineering grad.
You have to speak Engrish, not English.

**broken link removed**

I used it tonight for German, it worked for me.

PapaB.. Hitech was being funny.. Pouchito (sounds like a new chip publix has that I need to buy; just kidding) was shocked by Hitech post. I thought it was funny though.
my problem is i need someone to talk in chinese
ask them questions and they will answer him
I don't need to translate a text that's why the sites won't help
There are thousands of members able to do just that.

Name your reward. You don't expect others to do such work for you for free, do you?
the last Chinese restaurant I visited, they served up Pesi, Human Beef, and Sum Yung Boy. Thank God the menu was written in English and not Engrish, so I knew I was getting Pepsi, Hunan Beef and Sub Gum Bor.
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pouchito said:
my problem is i need someone to talk in chinese
ask them questions and they will answer him
I don't need to translate a text that's why the sites won't help

this as your first clue.. take it as a warning.. do you really want to be buying anything from there?
Optikon said:
this as your first clue.. take it as a warning.. do you really want to be buying anything from there?
I have a question. Are you working for and representing a company, or are you an individual looking to have a design produced offshore?

If you are just an individual I strongly recommend that you do not pursue this path. In my business school classes there were numerous case studies of small to medium sized companies investing millions in China only to be done in by an antiquated legal system that favored the locals and relieved them of their entire investment before they could realize a nickels worth of income. Trust me if you are having trouble finding a go-between then you don't want to try and find a lawyer to enforce a contract in a Chinese court. It will feel much worse than date rape.
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I think he is just trying to get a translation of his Chinese CO sensor data sheet.
He should have bought one from Elbonia.

JimB said:
I think he is just trying to get a translation of his Chinese CO sensor data sheet.
He should have bought one from Elbonia.

I don't think so. He said document translation was not his concern that is why websites were of no use.

I do think the Elbonians would be more helpful however.

Thanks a lot mikesullen

Do you have any problem if you call an electronic company to ask them about a sensor ???

Thanks a lot
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