Dodgy Power Supply

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New Member

Apologies if this is not the correct forum, it seemed the closest.
My question is pretty general anyway.
Below is a picture of the power supply board from my Korg X-50 keyboard. It's not a very good picture but it's the best I can do with my camera.

My question is about the condition if it and if this could be the reason for the keyboard suffering from what I would describe as an intermittent wobbly tone. By condition I mean the yellowing of some of the green part of the PCB and apparent burn spots on the solder. It is my guess that this is the problem but I have no experience with electronics and do not want to spend money on something I am not sure about.

Any help will be appreciated.



  • IMG_4636..jpg
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From what I can see of your photo, what you suspect is nothing more than solder flux residue from the factory. It's no cause for concern nor is it the root of the problem. To remove it requires another step in the process by the factory and many of them skip this finishing step. Can you get ahold of another power supply to sub that in order to know if the supply module is the culprit or not?
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