Does anybody know the normal current draw of a PIC16F88 @ 5V?

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Hi All;
Does anybody know the normal current draw of a PIC16F88 @ 5V? I am using the ADC to sample some inputs, and sending out digital tones at low freq. I am also using sleep mode, and from what I understand, this only draws a few uA?

Thanks All,
The data sheet has a lot of information, but it is very complicated as it depends on lots of different factors, like clock speed, fraction of time asleep, what peripherals are turned on and even what the program is doing.
Read the data sheet. Really. The data sheet is on Microchip's website. Big and scary I know. But there's an index. AC and DC Characteristics would be a good place to look. Lots of tables and numbers. Look at the units as a clue to narrow it down!

Realize that this current draw is only the micro. Not the LEDs you have attached to it or the pullup resistors or anything else. Use Ohm's law: V=IR. V = 5.


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That only covers the power being drawn by the micro controller itself and doesn't include any I/O pin loads at all so your external circuit will be just as if not more important than the chips current draw.
I just completed a 16F88 project powered on 5V. With nothing much being sourced by the IO ports, running on the internal clock set to 8MHz, it draws about 1mA. With the internal clock at 32kHz, it draws ~100uA.
Brushing through the electrical characteristics briefly, at 5 volts @ 20mhz you can expect a 3-5ma draw over the full temperature range
At 32khz at 5 volts it lists 29-45ua, aside from whatever passive leakage current on Mike's circuit and the difficulty measuring currents that low ~100uA sounds about right from what I gathered from the datasheet at least, in sleep mode you can expect 1-2ua max if all other leakages are minimized.
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