does Lothar's ICD2 clone work with MPLAB v7.61

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New Member
is any one build lothar's ICD2 clone?
is it work with MPLAB v 7.61?
does all serial port base programmer (including ICD2 ) have fixed Vdd problem(mean disability to controll Vdd)?
is their any parallel port base ICD/programmer?
thank you for your reply
but guy like me it's(Inchrom) bit expensive
that is i try to make Lother's ICD2
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I had Lothar's serial ICD2 working in MPLAB 7.x, but it didn't work in 8.x. I'm not sure if it was a software issue or something broke during storage.
is any one build lothar's ICD2 clone?
is it work with MPLAB v 7.61?
does all serial port base programmer (including ICD2 ) have fixed Vdd problem(mean disability to controll Vdd)?
is their any parallel port base ICD/programmer?

As earlier mentioned its working with MPLAB v 7.XX.

Not all serial programmers support VPP control option.There also a modified JDM version that control VPP.

Nothing to tell Blueroomelectronics debuggers they controls VPP nicely.I still use his INCHWORM + ICD.
Just a bit of trivia, I have an Inchworm+ that uses a reed relay instead of the BS250P. The relay version can VDD switch 500ma vs the 220ma of the P-channel FET.
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