Does "Made in USA" Amount to a Hill of Beans Anymore?

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Mad professor.

Your picture is one of toys packed out. hahaha
Nothing more.
Yeah, Where did he go? He goes and sets us up promising some enhanced photo that will just boggle our minds....then he disappears.

Maybe the aliens don't want him to give their secret away
He He B reagle...
The thing is, we don't drive cars with HUGE engines! Having said that, I read an article about the huge drop in sales of gas-guzzling trucks (GM I think) in the US, with a trend going towards smaller Japanese/european cars,

My journey to work is 1.2 miles for the quick route, or 0.8 on the
Although, one of my friends is a self-employed service engineer, and he can notch up 800-1000 miles a week, around our small, but great country, costing him over £100/$190 a week in fuel!
He He B reagle...
The thing is, we don't drive cars with HUGE engines!...

I drive a 2001 Dodge Caravan. It have a V6 in it. I have 3 (young) kids and need to have the space. I can't afford a second vehicle or I would buy a Honda or something easy on gas. I also live in a town of about 2k ppl. One (yes one) stop light for 10 miles radius. And I can't forget to tell you that we have 5 bars in my town also.
Good service and reliability is something that a customer remembers
Unfortunately, all to often here in the States, when we phone Customer Service, it's a call routed to India, answered by a person with very poor English, unaware of American customs and expectations, and they are clueless when it comes to providing a solution to the problem. It's a well known issue here in America and we point the finger of blame to the company management for out-sourcing that aspect of their business. Meanwhile in India, telemarketers and cust. service rep. positions are very sought after jobs that pay rather well (for them). Employees are now taking classes on learning more demographics and such about America to narrow the social gap between the two cultures.
Mad professor.

Your picture is one of toys packed out. hahaha
Nothing more.

Are you is the un photoshopped version

I wonder how many hits SV's link over to rense gets and bet somebody is selling a book that 'explains' the strange objects in space. The words of WC Fields echo in the mind.. something about a sucker being born every minute


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Hi High Tech,
We have the same thing here with out-sourced customer services, although a lot of the big companies have moved away from that approach, and use it as a selling point. I was referring more to commercial parts etc. The particular case I mentioned above, I ordered some motors from the US, not a huge order ($6k) and was sent the wrong ones. Everybody makes mistakes, but the true test of a company for me, is how they sort the problem out. In this case, the guy made it a top priority to get the right parts out to me, straight away.

Hi B reagle,
I remember the days of 3 young kids, and strapping them all into cars seats everytime we went out Those days are gone, and they are now tennagers..Arrrggggh! I'm lucky, I guess, that my home, work and friends are all in quite a small radius of our little country! lol

Your crazy LOL! I have to watch what I say....ssshhhhh.....moderators

OKC...yep! It was CD
Mad Professor, now it makes more sense.
That first cropped one really looked fake. Just goes to show how easily the mind can be fooled, he'.
Ok hands up, it was a tad rotten of me.

But if one thing that above all else about conspiracy websites that annoys me,
it's the ever present ads for books or videos that 'Explain everything' or tell you more (that the govt doesn't want you to know).

If aliens are secretly running the planet or governments conducting secret mass experiments, surely a concerned citizen would spill the beans for free rather than ask for money up front?

Anyhow here is another image that sometimes fools the eyes and will probably get me into trouble lol


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Ahh, yes that is a classic one.
I actually have a crapload of similar "fool the eye" pics, it's just to get past my alzheimers light to find them.
Collection many years old.

I suppose the soldering iron coffee part, you're talking with experience there.
Mad Prof,

here's a nice on for you. It freaks me out a bit.


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sigh.. yes .. many moons ago late one night. I was young, foolish, dangerously tired and
the job had to be completed by morning. Lesson learned it is yet with a sense of mischief I look at the gas powered iron in the toolbox and wonder if it could do a good capachino coffee.

I did hear of one lad who got fired for regularly heating his lunch on top of a flow soldering machine, reminds me of the stories my grandfather would tell me of his time on the railways cooking a fried breakfast on shovel whilst waiting for the steam to build.

Anyhow .. back to the topic lol

Does "Made in USA" Amount to a Hill of Beans Anymore?

As a Brit, I cannot really answer but people over here have asked the same question about British products. Televisions provide one better answers, one time we made them in England and they were bulky and unreliable. Along came the Japanese, modern design cheaper and very reliable, after being shipped halfway around the planet plug them in and they worked.

Just out of curiosity, does anybody in the US of A make television sets?

I would disagree, the best designed and built sets were generally British, Japanese sets were often horribly designed and built, poorly layed out, and poorly constructed, wires everywhere, bit's bodged on the bottom of the PCB's, and terrible to work on. Where some of the Japanese sets won out was in reliability, but only because they used higher grade components.

One of the best designed sets were Tatung, who took over Decca (so were Decca designers at Telford). Good reliable sets, well designed and well layed out - I've shown Tatung chassis's to a number of high-up Japanese officials from large Far Eastern companies, and compared it to their current sets - the difference in design and the far cheaper manufacturing costs are obvious.

I always had the impression with Japanese designed sets they stop the design process too soon - and manufacture something as soon as it's workable - rather than spending a bit longer on layout, and producing something far better.

Picture this. A group of men go to Jekyll Island Ga in 1913 to form the Federal Reserve. Now they loan money to gov't at interest. The tax payer pays them directly. In fact they get paid out of your paycheck before you do. It's under FICA on your check stub.

Now with all that money coming in and not even having to advertise any books or products, can you imagine them having to ask for any? In fact with that kind of setup, you can say whatever you want, your gonna get paid anyway. If you don't, you just send over a gun toting IRS agent or two and threaten prison.

Isn't it something that most people have to earn their money? They should be ashamed of themselves.

But don't buy the alien thing. They want you to.
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