Does "Made in USA" Amount to a Hill of Beans Anymore?

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He looks like you've REALLY pissed him off - I suggest you don't fall asleep while he's in the same room
Nah, I have to agree with Nigel on this one. That cat looks dangerously mad. You don't want to get them too mad. They can raise hell. I saw a Siamese run a whole family out of the house once. It took about 3 firemen to get him in a box. Cats have incredible strength for their size.
Anyway, everybody knows Japs make the best cars for the money. I've had a couple of low end Italian cars but a Farare sure looks nice and I mean performance wise. Probably the only ride I will get is on TV. But I had a Fiat 124 Sport and it was nice but good God I always had my face under the hood. A dern Toyota just runs add infinitum. Those things are built sturdy. Now my brother has been fortunate enough to have a couple of Mercedes. They can't be that economical if what he said it true. Yes, I know they are strong long running cars, but he said a guy pulled in front of him and he literally cut the guys car in half. And shoot, they put Rolls Royce car engines in small aircraft. Can't be too economical. Those little Toyota's just go and go.
Here's the truth behind the conspiracy Space Vermin is covering up:


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Hey HiTech? You know anything about tobacco like how tall it gets or how long until it blooms?

My grandaddy sent me to college so I wouldn't ever have to sucker tobacco, but I do know it grows head-high, and blooms during the hottest part of summer.

Growing tobacco is a 13-month a year job.
My grandaddy sent me to college so I wouldn't ever have to sucker tobacco, but I do know it grows head-high, and blooms during the hottest part of summer.

Growing tobacco is a 13-month a year job.

Hey thanks AllVol. Well, that was your grand daddy's day. You looked at the price of tobacco lately? Never heard that one though.."sucker tobacco" Where you from?
Hey thanks AllVol. Well, that was your grand daddy's day. You looked at the price of tobacco lately? Never heard that one though.."sucker tobacco" Where you from?

LOL. A quick read of my avatar caption will give you my location.

Suckering tobacco, briefly, is just one of many back-breaking, labor-intensive tasks necessary to raise a marketable crop of tobacco. "Suckers" are parasitical leaf growths at the base of a tobacco stalk, usually appearing as the stalk begins to mature. They must be removed so they will not sap the salable leaves of nutrients and stunt their growth. The only removal consists of plucking them from the stalk by hand, bending over to treat each stalk. Get's rough! And it has to be repeated throughout the season.

I have not studied the tobacco market recently, and have no idea what price it brings. However, if past is any indicator, the small amount of crop an individual can sell does not go far towards providing a livlihood. That is why most folks "tobacco" as a side activity.
Ah yes. Your the tobacco expert. Funny you mentioned that. I just pulled I'm just trying my hand at a few pots. I usually grow a good size garden and that's about it. But I picked up some tobacco seeds in the spring just to try my hand at them. I paid about 50 bucks for the smallest amount of seeds. They gave me 3 little packs. One VA, one MD and NC. My first attempt failed fast. The bugs loved that tobacco. They destroyed it faster than I could notice I needed some Seven dust.
Used to be most everything said "Made in U.S.A"...I haveTransistors that have "General Electric"on them
I guess one could invent an electric car and say "Put together by a committee of like minded individuals"

You start tobacco by first planting seed in a sterilized bed in the early spring, keeping the bed covered with cloth until past last killing frost. Then you transplant the seedlings by hand into your permanent bed.

Then comes the hard work. LOL

$50 bucks for seed. You sure that isn't "wacky backy"?
It will probably be cheaper and tastier to go and buy a beer.

But one must follow ones heart.
I guess one can actually buy a "brewing kit",includes the hops and ingredients
which you just pour in a bucket,and let ferment for a few days and voila you have your beer
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