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Does My Circuit Contain High-Speed Signals?


New Member
My circuit includes the following components:
  • PIC16 with internal clock, frequency: 32 MHz
  • ST LED2000 LED driver (a buck converter) with a PWM dimming input
  • TI BQ24070RHL battery charger
  • LED controlled via PWM by the microcontroller.
My question:
Do the following signals qualify as high-speed?
I’m asking this to determine whether I need to ensure a proper return path for them and/or maintain large spacing between them.
If not, can I ignore the return path considerations?

Key signals I believe require attention:
  1. Charger outputs – These are open-drain outputs. These outputs are connected to the microcontroller inputs (with internal PU). I couldn't find rise/fall time specifications in the datasheet.
  2. PWM outputs from the microcontroller– Base frequency: 200–500 Hz.
    • One output goes to the LED driver (possibly with or without a pull-down resistor).
    • Another output drives an LED.
  3. Push button with a pull-down resistor, connected to a microcontroller input.

Thanks in advanced for any answer,

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