does my power converter have the correct voltages?

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my game console voltage: 100v, 47w, 50/60hz

my new power converter: AC 220v, 50w MAX, 50hz

the converter is for 100v game console to be used in local 220v socket here.

i bought the correct power converter right?
By power converter, you mean a device that connects to your 220V wall sockets and gives 100V out ??

That should work, but see how hot it gets. Try touching it to check for heating up, every few minutes to start with.

Some types exaggerate their ratings or do not work well when powering things with switched-mode power supplies like games consoles & computers, and it's possible you need a rather higher power rated one.

If it stays cool (or not too hot to comfortably touch, even after several hours use), it should be OK.
ok, i'll run it for awhile and see if it gets too hot, if so i'll probably buy a better one.

thanks so much for your help!
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