The below “skylite prime” ambient light sensor switches a streetlight on/off depending on whether its night/day.
However, we cannot find a datasheet for it….or indeed for any other such ambient light sensors from other companies.
What we want to know is…
a)..does it switch the mains to the light with a relay or some kind of semiconductor switch?
b)…Does it switch the mains on at the mains zero crossing?
c)…Does it have electrolytic capacitors in it.
How the hell is anyone supposed to know that? Are you that much detached from the real world that you don´t realize you have to buy it, disassemble it and measure it to find answers to all these questions?
Are you that much detached from the real world that you don´t realize you have to buy it, disassemble it and measure it to find answers to all these questions?
How the hell is anyone supposed to know that? Are you that much detached from the real world that you don´t realize you have to buy it, disassemble it and measure it to find answers to all these questions?
After reading many of his postings on different things here, I've come to a realization. The problem is never with his design, but is with the things that he buys. Things that many other people world wide have no problems using in their designs, projects and things they sell.