Just from a quick look at that MCU data sheet, it appears to need a parallel programmer - it uses 12 address lines, 8 data an a few control signals. No serial programming that I can see.
A TL866 series programmer should be suitable - my TL866 II has the 89C51 listed.
A word of caution with those programmers in general, if you ever get involved with older ICs / MCUs:
I don't know about MCUs, as I've never used it for that - but as a fact the hardware does not work with all devices listed and selectable in the software.
The internal VPP generator only goes up to somewhere around 15 - 18V so any devices needing higher voltage do not program properly, or at all - but they are still selectable for programming.
eg. The ones I had a problem with were old EPROMs for a vintage board that need 21V and 25V VPP, but I believe some MCUs from the same era likely needed the same higher voltages.
I had to dig out my old ALL-11 and set up Win XP on a VM to run it, to program those ICs.
Mine drives me mad - you ask "where have you put the ???? I left on the corner of the kitchen shelf?", she always replies "I haven't seen it or moved it". There's only two of us in the house, so I know damn well she's moved it - when (if?) it's eventually found she'll say "oh, that - I tidied it"