door lock schematic

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ante said:
Caution. …Links Containing Virus. ……Caution

pop-up windows can be detected by an antivirus as a.. virus :shock: but is not a virus :wink:.. anyway.. this 2 web adress are in a free server..

but.. I need a door lock schematic
What specifically are you looking for that you term a "door lock controller"? Most electric door lock that I have worked with are nothing more than solenoid-operated or motor-driven actuators, operated by a simple switch, or by a switch-operated relay to handle the current. Those using remote controls, i.e. "remote keyless entry" systems, are simply triggering the relay(s) upon receipt of the proper signal.

Are you looking for info on the remote receiver?
I try to give more information time to Out1 or Out2 is 0,5-0,7 sec :shock:
I want this module work independently.. no with alarm module i.e. :wink:


  • modul.jpg
    13.9 KB · Views: 1,125
I found on net this adress
**broken link removed**

**broken link removed**

can I try it?
finally I find a good schematic for a door lock :shock:
**broken link removed** and is named "inchidere centralizata" :wink:
and at **broken link removed** is a schematic for conecting a alarm with incorporated central door lock and a external (original) central door locking
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