Dragonfly (6 digit seven segment kit) MK2 update

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Well-Known Member
I've made a couple of small but significant changes to the Dragonfly kit.
**broken link removed**
Changes are a PIC18F2525 and a 40kHz crystal. The 18F2525 allows for Swordfish BASIC and C18 support and the 40kHz crystal allows for more flexibility with the CCPx module easy to set ms interrupts like shown in the Swordfish program below. The code is not pretty but it works, it'll run as a Minute, Second, 100s second counter and should be easy to convert to a stopwatch. Another project in the works is a frequency counter using the gated TMR0 input (3 pin connector in the upper left of the picture above)
// Dragonfly MKII (PIC18F2525 & 40kHz TMR1 crystal

Device = 18F2525
Clock = 8
Dim     Digit, Digits(6) As Byte 
Dim Loop4 as byte

Const   Segments(10) as byte = ($3F,$06,$DB,$CF,$E6,$ED,$BC,$07,$FF,$A7)

// 2.5ms Jiffy clock ideal for 6 digit display refresh ~66.6Hz 

Interrupt Jiffy()       // 2.5ms Jiffy clock (400Hz)
    If  Digit > 5 Then 
        High(PORTC.5)   // reset 4022
        Digit = 0       // clear digit counter
    latb = 0            // clearing the segments will eliminate ghosting
    lata = 0
// increment (or reset) the CD4022 Johnson counter
    Low(PORTC.2)        // 4022 clock
    High(PORTC.2)       // 4022 clock low high edge trigger
// display digits(x)
    LATB = $3F and Segments(Digits(Digit))  // mask off RB6 & 7
// check for inverted digits and swap segments
    if (Digit = 2) or (Digit = 5) then
        LATA = $40 and Segments(digits(digit))  // mask off RA0 - RA5
        LATA = $80 and Segments(digits(digit))  // mask off RA0 - RA5
    if Loop4 > 3 then   // update clock @ 100Hz   
        Digits(5) = Digits(5) + 1                       // inc 10ms
        if Digits(5) > 9 then
            Digits(5) = 0
            Digits(4) = Digits(4) + 1                   // inc 100ms
            if Digits(4) > 9 Then
                Digits(4) = 0
                Digits(3) = Digits(3) + 1               // inc 1s
                if Digits(3) > 9 then
                    Digits(3) = 0
                    Digits(2) = Digits(2) + 1           // inc 10s
                    if digits(2) > 5 then
                        digits(2) = 0
                        digits(1) = Digits(1) + 1       // inc 1m
                        if digits(1) > 9 then
                            digits(1) = 0
                            digits(0) = Digits(0) + 1   // inc 10m
                            if digits(0) > 5 then
                                Digits(0) = 0
        Loop4 = 0
    Loop4 = Loop4 + 1   // 400 Hz to 100Hz divider
    Digit = Digit + 1   // increment digit counter
    PIR1.2 = 0          // clear CCP1IF flag
End Interrupt

OSCCON  = $72           // 8MHz internal osc
CMCON   = $07           // comparators off
adcon1  = %00001110     // RA0 analog, all others digital I/O
CCPR1H  = 0             // 40kHz / 100 
CCPR1L  = 99            // (0 - 99)
T1CON   = %01001011     // timer 1 on, 1:1, ext crystal
CCP1CON = $0B           // special event trigger
PIE1.2  = 1             // CCP1IE on
Low(PORTC.5)            // 4022 reset
TRISA = %00011011       // segments G & decimal, CD4022 control
TRISB = %11000000       // segments A-F

Digit = 0               // reset digit count
digits(0) = 0
digits(1) = 0
digits(2) = 0
digits(3) = 0
digits(4) = 0
digits(5) = 0
While true


It's an easy mod to existing Dragonfly users, just change the two parts. Digikey sells the 40kHz 12.5pf load crystals for less than $1


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