Drill motor connection help

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New Member
I am hoping one of you guys can help a mechanical engineer who is stretching her skill.
You all seem to have much knowledge and like to help and share.
I have been given a brushed drill motor which physically fits my project perfectly but I need help with connections.
It was made for volt 220/240 50cycle.
I only need it run full speed in one direction.
I have been told the original tool had a trigger which included a speed control and capacitor and it had electronic torque control.
I only have the motor and capacitor - see photo. The motor has six connections - I have number the terminals 1 to 6.
Number 2 & 5 are for brushes. An ohm meter finds 1 & 4 plus 3 & 6 are pairs.
I have drawn what I think the connections could be but I am not brave enough to try without help.

If I spin wrong way do I reverse +ve & -ve?
I have no clue which terminals would connect the capacitor.
Thanking in advance
Welcome. Ignore the capacitor for the moment.

Connect an incandescent light bulb 230V 60 to 100W in series with your voltage supply. You will not damage anything that way and briefly power to evaluate if works.

mains -------------+ve---------drill as above---------ve----------light bulb------------mains.

Protect yourself from electric shocks and report findings.
FWIW (as I really have no idea if this is applicable/helpful or not):

A few years ago I fitted new brushes to my variable speed electric drill, and this is a crude reconstruction of the crude wiring diagram I drew in my log book at the time:

The stuff inside the grey box was printed on the side of the trigger switch. The stuff external to it is my record of the things connected to that switch.

The motor only had 4 connection -- two for the brushes; and supply & return.

Pulling the trigger on the drill varies the speed between 0 rpm ... 750 rpm, so there is more going on inside the box than a DPST switch and a zener, but this is the info I have. HIH.
I have drawn what I think the connections could be but I am not brave enough to try without help.

As others say, that looks to be a working configuration.

Forward/reverse are by swapping 2 & 5 in relation to 1 & 6.

[It is a "universal" motor & will not reverse by changing the polarity, as that reverses the both the field polarity and the armature polarity - hence the ability to work on AC.]

You could add the capacitor across the power connections to reduce possible radio interference from the brushes arcing.
You are all such a helpful group.
I followed Externet suggestion - connect as my idea but add the resistance of a bulb - an idea I like.
Result - bulb lights full brightness, motor hums?
Try reversing just one field coil; it's possible they are out of phase and cancelling each other out?
You will either reverse both field coils or the 2 & 5 brush terminations as already posted.
Reversal of one field coil and / or brush terminals motor runs but very slowly.
Thought about lightbulb resistance - removed light bulb - wooppee
Full speed and right direction first time. You have all made a young lady very happy. .
One last question, based on my original diagram, capacitor connections? Terminals 3 & 4?
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