Driver and timing unit for a strobe light?

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New Member
Hi, I'm not very experienced with electronics, but I'm working on a project. I need to put together a driver and a timing unit based on a 555 controller for this: **broken link removed**

It needs to run off of 12 volts, and I need to figure out how to get the frequency at 10hz as well, thanks in advance.
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using an IR cluster is certainly not quite what you want. IR emission is invisble to human eyes.

Using LEDs in the visible range a freqency of 10Hz might be a bit high, barely seing flashes. A frequency of 2 to 5Hz should be OK.

Thanks for the reply, but that is actually what I want. I realize IR isn't visible

But how can I make a driver and a timing unit to control the frequency?
Thanks for the reply, but that is actually what I want. I realize IR isn't visible

But how can I make a driver and a timing unit to control the frequency?

IR is very visible to devices looking for it. Especially IR pulsed at a 10 or 14 Hz rate.

The transmitter is an infrared light which is flashed at the receiver. The transmitter inside the vehicle may transmit a low-priority signal (10 Hz) or a high-priority signal (14 Hz).

Wouldn't be for Traffic Signal Preemption purposes would it? Because in many areas that is illegal and I doubt anyone here would be enthusiastic about helping with a design for something that is illegal.

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