Driver for Berger Lahr RDM

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New Member
Hello dear friends
I have [Berger Lahr RDM 596/50 LHB] stepper motor. I am trying to create driver for my motor.
According to motor datasheet, i need to supply 36-50v. The conduction R = 0.47ohm and available I = 2.7 A.
I attach the schema of the driver plan that i use.
I think the problem is in the ir2101 h-brige driver.
I need a help please.

Thank you.


  • StepperMotor.pdf
    47 KB · Views: 513
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I can't seem to read that PDF, but you haven't said what the problem is?

How many wires does the motor have? e.g. is it a 4 wire, bipolar only motor, or do you have the option of unipolar drive (5 to 8 wires)?
Moderators please delete this. My post was wrong.
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