Driver IC for IR

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New Member
Please let me know of a driver IC that can be used in an IR receiver circuit.

The transmitter circuit has four switches. The receiver circuit has corresponding four operations.

I want to make these switches work wirelessly (using an IR). I was told that there is an IC available that can(after receiving a signal from the IR receiver) operate the corresponding function. But i dont know the IC number.

Please let me know if anyone has any info about it.
You can use a TP5089 DTMF (TOUCH-TONE) Generator to drive the IR, and a LM567 DTMF decoder and photodiode to recieve and drive your outputs (might need transitors/FETs ect...).

Both of these chips are old, maybe discontinued, but see them often on the surplus web stores I shop. I think they can do around 20 buttons/outputs. They aren't very expensive and should work well.
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