Driving a stepper motor manually

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New Member
This is not new, but hopefully some one finds it interesting or helpful.

The idea of the operation is to toggle one of the two DPDT switches alternately to produce the following voltage pattern on the motor coils.

Step 1 1 0 1 0
Step 2 1 0 0 1
Step 3 0 1 0 1
Step 4 0 1 1 0

These are the four basic steps and it's one cycle. The cycle repeats from step one and so on. If the cycles keep repeating, the motor will keep turning in one direction.

Next we will connect a PIC controller and motor controller to a stepper motor..........

Sorry, the diagram is too small and the truth table is squashed up. They weren't like this at the time of writing. How do I fix that ?

Wingmax said:
Sorry, the diagram is too small and the truth table is squashed up. They weren't like this at the time of writing. How do I fix that ?

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There's nothing wrong with drawing, just click it
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