Done it many times, if my supply voltage is higher than the needed voltage, the use of series diodes will reduce the voltage by 0.7V each silicon diode added.
+12V-----|>|------|>|-----|>|-------|>|-------+9.2V [0.7Vdrop x 4 Si diodes= 2.8V less]
+5V---------|>|---------|>|---------|>|-------+2.9V [0.7Vdrop x 3 Si diodes=2.1V less]
+2V----------------------|>|-------------------+1.3V [2V minus 0.7V trough 1 Si diode = 0.7V less]
Just make sure to use any needed heat sink and not exceed current ratings of the diodes.
You can paste Falstad links after File>export> make shortcut > copy.
All logic IC's are ideal in Falstad's with 0 Ohms out, so you must add R depending on logic family determined often by Vdd max e.g. Diodes also have bulk resistance which depends on size. The default diode can be modified if you know how.
74' logic family
5.5V max (~50 ohms) or 3.6V max (~25 Ohms)
However Google informs it was a very popular American beer, now long defunct.
It also informs me that there's a local micro-brewery in Derby, only about 20 miles from me - never heard of that either, but micro-breweries have become very popular in the last few years.