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After lucking out three times in a row I came before you to ask if you know of any sources for DS1669 Electronic Digital Rheostat's?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry I forgot I'm Australian...

Also it seems the UK farnell is out of stock while the Australian branch is selling Ds1669 for about $10.00 each.

There are other options that can be controlled by push button switches. Have you searched?

Failing that, sampling might be your best bet, if you can get a proper e-mail address, which TI seems to key on. So far as I know, there was no other validation done when I got one a few months ago as a sample. John
Maxim-IC bought Dallas Semi, not TI. TI bought Burr-Brown.

In about 100 Years, Dick Smith war surplus electronic parts and used car parts will sell obsolete digital pots.

Hi Dawny,
Are you a female? Welcome to our (sometimes rude to women) forum.
Hint: If you put Australia in your user profile it will make it easier when you want help finding parts.
audioguru said:
Maxim-IC bought Dallas Semi, not TI. TI bought Burr-Brown.

Well, just a senior moment. Dallas, Texas, what can I say. My son is graduating from down that way next week, and I must have just had it on my mind.

I ordered samples from both Maxim and TI at about the same time. TI was the one that required the non-generic address. Although, that trend seems to be catching on, and the business e-mail certainly comes in handy.

jpanhalt: Yes Thanks for that I ended up finding some DS1804 and while they are a little different from the DS1669 they should work well enough for my experments.

audioguru: Hello, Yes I'm female and thank you for welcoming me to your forum

mneary: Truth be told I didn't even know I hadn't filled in my profile or for that matter know this forum had such a system, I've now corrected that error so thank you for pointing it out

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