DSpic compiler and programmer

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jrz126 said:
so for that crappy programmer, how do I configure it? Which oscillator do I choose? WDT? ect..
My ICD2 clone uses a 20MHz crystal,and my configuration is like this:
Oscillator HS
Power Up Timer OFF
Brown Out Detect OFF
Low Voltage Program Disabled (Criticaly important)
Data EE Read Protect OFF
Code Protect OFF

I got my PCB from a friend of my friend's.It perfectly matched into a plastic box commonly found in the market.Back then I didn't have a PIC16F877 or the A version,but some samples of PIC16LF877A.I borrowed a programmer from my friend and treated the LF as the F,Burnt the bootloader inside and it worked.I remember posting the picture somewhere in this forum.

Got it!It's here:

And I have the whole project including schematics and PCB in my computer.If it can help you,I would like to share it with you guys here.This is a Protel99(SE) project,because most people here use protel.Even if someone manipulates Eagle well,he still can't get the PCB manufactured as the manufacturers use protel only.
hmm...so are those the settings I would use for this programmer here: **broken link removed** to load my bootloader to my 877A?
The LVP-Cable?Tell me this is not your ICD2.I assume you are going to use this cable to program your ICD2 clone's PIC16F877A.I need to see the schematics of your ICD2 clone rather than this one to tell you what settings you need to burn the PIC.Maybe you should consider the project I referred to.

Could anybody here offer Jeff a site of a real ICD2 clone?I don't know which one best fits him.Thank you.
Hello All
Heres a site I recently found.


Its an ICD2 thats a little different then the one on STOLZ site.
I've attempted to make an ICD2 on stolz site sevreal times now with no luck. Thinking my progbelm is getting the bootloader into the 16f876(A)
using the LVP cable.

Maybe this site will help you or someone else.

Yes, the LVP is just to get the bootloader onto my 877A for the ICD2 that I am going to use. (Also from Stolz site. See Jay Slovak's sig).
I'll look into the link that you gave Alex
The Config Fuses are stored in the Hex file. Just load the file and program
But I don't know whether patched, A version has fuse settings integrated into hex, just set them as on picture:


  • 877.png
    9.3 KB · Views: 1,026
ok, I had thought the fuses were saved in the hex but i wasnt sure.
Maybe there is a problem with my serial cable.
I don't need my 20Mhz oscillator connected either?

Also, when you select the 'A' version, the fuses and code protect stuff changes. (it looks for a range for WRT)

No, you don't need to connect the oscilator if you are programming.

The A version has slightly different fuses, try to trust settings that are stored in the hex.
jrz126 said:
Yes, the LVP is just to get the bootloader onto my 877A for the ICD2 that I am going to use. (Also from Stolz site. See Jay Slovak's sig).
I'll look into the link that you gave Alex

:shock: Just tried,but couldn't open Stolz site from here.Anyway Jay's ICD2 clone is meant to work well.How's it going there?
Things are finally starting to settle down a bit. I should have some time to play with this again.

I couldnt get the low voltage programmer to work. Now that school is back in session, I'm going to go bug my microcontrollers professor and see if she can load the bootloader needed for the ICD that Jay has in his sig...She has a real ICD programmer, so it should work.

I'm also planning on using the modification that Alex posted as well.
is there any problem with doing that?

More questions will follow most likely...
true ICD2 clone wanted..

I am looking to build a true ICD2 clone that is capable of full functionality as the real mcoy, can anyone recommend which of these onlne designs would be the true clone? As I haven't seen whatthe real looks like under tin I dunno what to compare with? I just ordered the PIC's a few 876a's and 877a's so either way I should be good to go once I get the right schem. and layout hopefully. The one that looks like the best bet to me is at this link- **broken link removed** but its designers admitt mistakes and also the design just seems like the bulkier approach, but who am I to tell, right? Any help???
Microchip has opened its design on PICkit2, which can do both debugging and programming on most of PIC16s and PIC18s. Why not take a look at it.

Now the PICkit2 even has a new feature called Programmer-To-Go, which can program PICs without a PC. A You Tube video can be found here:

There are blueroom electronics and Au Group Electronics on this forum both provide decent designs and DIY kits for PICkit 2 DIY fans.
PICPgm V1.1.0.0 supports now dsPIC30F devices.
It can be used with any high-voltage programmer (e.g. JDM, Tait, AN589, Olimex PIC-PG2 Programmer, Olimex PIC-PG3 Programmer, ...) programmer.

Download PICPgm here:
**broken link removed**

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