New Member
HW: Explorer 16/32 ver3, 8MHz, PIC33CH128MP508 PIM
SW: MPLABX v5.3, MCC, XC16, terminal via UART1/mini USB
Slave: BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor
Aims: Output BNO055 data to terminal via UART.
PIN Config:
Debug (PGEC2 dp 45, PGED2 dp 43).
I2C (SCL dp 60, SDA dp 61).
UART (Tx dp 50 - pp 49, Rx dp 49, pp 51).
In order to get the UART to USB (hence out to terminal) requires that the Explorer16/32 board j48 block pin49 be linked to pin 52 & J48 block pin 50 to pin 51.
[dp = device(chip)pin]
[pp = PIM pin]
Hi Guys,
I'm a bit of a noob with 'C' programming, but (as my name suggests) I'm getting better...
I'm using the MCC in the above named software to generate the code but, there are sections that require customisation/additional code etc.
The code in the i2c.h file shows a MasterRead & MasterWrite examples, but the read from EEPROM example requires a TRB to be setup. now I'm thinking that as the read & write functions are only single byte action, that they could be passed directly to the function.
Below I have removed all the timeout & retry counts for clarity (I can add maybe them later)
I've attached the original MCC generated file for your perusal.
Am I on the right path, or am I approaching this from the wrong angle? Any feedback would be appreciated.
SW: MPLABX v5.3, MCC, XC16, terminal via UART1/mini USB
Slave: BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor
Aims: Output BNO055 data to terminal via UART.
PIN Config:
Debug (PGEC2 dp 45, PGED2 dp 43).
I2C (SCL dp 60, SDA dp 61).
UART (Tx dp 50 - pp 49, Rx dp 49, pp 51).
In order to get the UART to USB (hence out to terminal) requires that the Explorer16/32 board j48 block pin49 be linked to pin 52 & J48 block pin 50 to pin 51.
[dp = device(chip)pin]
[pp = PIM pin]
Hi Guys,
I'm a bit of a noob with 'C' programming, but (as my name suggests) I'm getting better...
I'm using the MCC in the above named software to generate the code but, there are sections that require customisation/additional code etc.
The code in the i2c.h file shows a MasterRead & MasterWrite examples, but the read from EEPROM example requires a TRB to be setup. now I'm thinking that as the read & write functions are only single byte action, that they could be passed directly to the function.
Below I have removed all the timeout & retry counts for clarity (I can add maybe them later)
Handles one i2c master read transaction with the
supplied parameters.
This function prepares a TRB, then inserts it on the i2c queue.
Finally, it waits for the transaction to complete and returns
the result.
address - The address of the i2c peripheral to be accessed
length - The length of the data block to be sent
*pdata - A pointer to the memory location where received data will
be stored
*pstatus - A pointer to the status variable that the i2c driver
updates during the execution of the message.
/* address -The address of the i2c peripheral to be accessed.
* length - The length of the data block to be sent.
* *pdata - A pointer to the memory location where received data will be stored.
* *pstatus - A pointer to the status variable that the i2c driver updates during the execution of the message.
uint8_t BNO055_Read(uint16_t address, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t nCount)
uint8_t *pD;
uint16_t address = 0x29; // slave device address
uint8_t length = 1;
uint8_t *pData;
pD = pData;
while(status != I2C1_MESSAGE_FAIL)
void I2C1_MasterWrite(uint8_t *pdata, uint8_t length, uint16_t address, I2C1_MESSAGE_STATUS *pstatus);
while(status == I2C1_MESSAGE_PENDING)
if (status == I2C1_MESSAGE_COMPLETE)
if (status == I2C1_MESSAGE_COMPLETE)
// this portion will read the byte from the BNO Temperature register location.
while(status != I2C1_MESSAGE_FAIL)
I2C1_MasterRead( pD, 1, BNO055_ADDRESS, &status);
while(status == I2C1_MESSAGE_PENDING)
if (status == I2C1_MESSAGE_COMPLETE)
// exit if the last transaction failed
if (status == I2C1_MESSAGE_FAIL)
// </code>
I've attached the original MCC generated file for your perusal.
Am I on the right path, or am I approaching this from the wrong angle? Any feedback would be appreciated.