dsPIC33EP512MU814 says it has 30 PWM

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New Member
Hi I am very confused and would appreciate some help.
I've been looking for a controller that has lots of independently controlled PWM outputs and so far the dsPIC33EP512MU814 seems to have the most. If you look at the product selection chart **broken link removed** it mentions that this controller has 30 PWM outputs but if you go to the datasheet https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/70616g.pdf
I can only see that there are 14 PWM pins on the 144 pin package.

Can someone please explain why it says that there are 30 PWM outputs when there are only 14.

Much appreciated
The page you linked to doesn't mention the number of PWM outputs! Note also that the chip only has 7 PWM pairs - not 14.

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