dual 7segment?

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i have a dual 7-segment consisting of 18 pins and wanted to know if any one had the datasheet?

It could be almost any configuration.

If there is no type number on the LED, I do the following.

Get a 330R resistor and using a +5V supply ground and power pins until you can see a sequence developing, make notes.

It could be CA or CC,, common anode or common cathode.

A would think a dual with as many as 18 pins will be most likely two isolated LED's 7 segs each, 1 common and decimal point.
sorry for the huge typo there it has 16 pins. i know you check 7 segments that way but for some reason it was not working so i thought may be it had some other way.i guess they are damaged will get a new one tommorrow!
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