Dual energy generation with magnetic Seesaw system and gravity

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This technology is based on a Seesaw system and magnetic repelling principle Linear motion .We can generate electricity with very little force with the help of this technology.This will be a radical step in the field of energy generation.

In this technology there will be a balance system and two heavy weight magnets ( HIGH POWER STRENGTH NEODYMIUM MAGNETS) will be attached with each side of this balance system as per diagram.
As per diagram there will be two moving weights and these moving weights will move on tracks.These tracks will be fixed at the angle of 8 to 10 degree.
Two magnets will be attached on the front side of these moving weights and these magnets will have similar polarity with the magnets of balance system.
These moving weights will be attached with two gear boxes and these gear boxes will be attached with two generators.


When one side heavy weight magnet of balance system will be pressed with the help of any kind of external force then this side will come down and repel its side moving weight due to equal polarity of magnets.due to repelling the moving weight will move forward .but when the heavy weight magnet will move upward then this moving weight will move backward due to gravity to get its position back.
in this way this moving weight will work to run a gear box and this gear box will work to start a generator to generate energy.

WE will take very high strength NEODYMIUM magnets for balance system.

I would like to insist on some following points
(1) The balance system will be attached with 'L' form crank with external PRESSING source.
(2) The moving weights will also be attached with 'L' form crank with gear boxes.
(3) Each side magnet of balance system will work one by one .When one side magnet will come down the another side magnet will move up .These magnets will come down and move up one by one to repel their side moving weight.
(4) We can take as much weight as we can of these magnets of balance system (500 kilogram to 1000 Kilogram or moreor 30000 gauss )
(5) External source of pressing this balance system could be anything such as pressing with foot or solar cell. WE WILL NEED ONLY 3 VOLT EXTERNAL ENERGY TO PRESS THIS BALANCE SYSTEM AND GENERATE MORE AND MORE ENERGY.
Please guide me and do some research before any comments.


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You do not say what the input energy source is. This sounds like an idea to get more energy out of the system than you put in which is not possible.

You do not say what the input energy source is. This sounds like an idea to get more energy out of the system than you put in which is not possible.

Input energy source could be anything for example Hand power or a 3 to 6 volt motor .but this machine will work definitely as I have done some work on it and have got some success.I post this topic sothat if someone is interested to support me to develop this technology completely.If you have doubt then do some research on this Idea and you will find your answer.
Sounds like you are missing/overlooking a lot of fundamental laws of conservation of energy, and other things, relating to magnetism, gravity and basic rational scientific sense in your concept.

If you want anyone to believe you the easiest way to do that is to produce viable design blue prints, schematics and general build instructions that will allow the design to be replicated and confirmed by others. It it can't be independently confirmed it ain't real.

Until then you're just spewing overunity BS like millions of others before you have with poor understandings of physics which seems pretty obvious at this point being,

1. you need a pair of 30,000 Gauss 500+ KG permanent magnets which so far does not exist.

2. You are calling volts energy. They are not. They are but just one component of the most basic V x A = W electrical energy formula.

3. Solar cells turn photonic energy into electrical energy not physical force.

4. Given just these three basic impossibilities and misunderstandings obviously you have not actually been able to build this device to prove anything and you are just tossing names and numbers around like a fool figuring most people are as ignorant as you in these areas of scientific concepts and wont catch that hoping they are foolish enough to give you money to suposedly do research on a concept you obviously have near zero knowledge and understandings of yourself.

Feel free to prove me wrong!

<Mod edit: tcmtech, please keep the discussion civil. No insults are necessary>
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All I can say on the matter is that I visited the science museum a while since.. They had a generator and a hand crank... There were several 240v bulbs... 40w, 60w and 100w.... Put it this way, I was just able to light the 40w bulb... From then on I realized that this really needs some work to make it work.... I'll just watch!!
Also include stored energy in the magnets. Do proper RMS measurements then report back
Dear sir,
as far as I think you have not reviewed this design carefully and make comments in hurry. I know very well that no one will be agree with me that this device will work .I have studied thermodynamics laws very carefully and however post this Idea as I know that this will work.
we can take some high power magnet's pair it is not necessary that it must be 30000 gauss but must be at least as powerful to repel the heavy weight .
This whole system will move with the help of 3 to 6 volt toy motor or there will be need of only small amount of INPUT energy to run this device as we can move this magnetic Seesaw system with the help of our finger tips.This device is taking very small amount of input energy.

This toy motor can use solar energy to run this device. My earnest request to you that you please think again and read carefully what I want to say. and THINK ABOUT INPUT ENERGY TO MOVE THIS DEVICE and do some work you will sure get your answer and there will be no need of anykind of Blueprint.

I have got some initial success so I'm fully confident that this device will work .
Welcome to ETO!

I have done, concerning the principle of conservation of energy.

Interesting. Post the details of how you have done this work and precisely what you mean by 'some success'. Convince us that this 'over-unity' concept will work.
I have done some initial work with some magnets and have got initial success and it is very simple device to test it if you have very powerful magnet and resources then try it and I 'm confident that you will be also convinced that this device will work definitely.I have done some experiments of repelling some heavy weight with the help of some ordinary magnets and find out the positive results.My earnest request to you that if you have some source of high power magnets then try it as I don't have any resource to build it completely.Anyone can try it and this device will work definitely.THINK AGAIN THAT THIS DEVICE IS TAKING VERY SMALL AMOUNT OF INPUT ENERGY.
This is very simple device if you have some very powerful magnets as in this design I don't think there must be a need of some blue prints .Anyone can understand this design .please do some work you will sure find your answer that it will work definitely.
All of you are talking that it is impossible but why it is impossible could you please explain? This device is taking very small amount of input energy and no one is thinking about this point due to its clever design. If you are not agree with me then do some research yourself and find out that the result and publish it.

No. That's not how any of this works. It is not our job to set out and disprove your idea. It is your job to set out and prove your idea. Anything that defies the laws of physics and thermodynamics (which you very clearly HAVE NOT studied in-depth, so stop acting like you have) needs to be PROVEN, because all of the evidence so far DISPROVES it. That's how scientific theory and discovery works.

You need to take very accurate measurements (figure out EXACTLY how much energy is put into the system, which alone is probably beyond your ability) and measure EXACTLY how much energy is put out by the system (which also is probably beyond your ability). In the end the energy out will always equal the energy in. That is called the conservation of energy. I suggest doing some research on this first.
yes, it is taking energy, but only gives a fraction back, if any , which means it is consuming and not generating,

if this actually worked it would be done already, we understand fully, which is why we understand it does not work
you mentioned initial success, but not full success , this success you are missing will always be there no matter how much you tweak it...
Sir,I have studied thermodynamics laws very carefully and after that I post this Idea.Could you please tell me that why this machine will not work ? I just have think beyond the physics laws and find out this design.There is no flaw in this design where we could say that this machine will not work.The salient feature of this design is it's Input energy which is very less and no one cane move heavy weights with the help of a 3 volt toy motor except this design.
If this design or in this design if powerful magnets attached with the seesaw system repelling their side heavyweight with high force with very small amount of INPUT ENERGY then there is nothing to think negative about the feasibility of this machine.
Initial success is the first step of full success and it will consume very less amount of energy due to balance or seesaw system and give back more than its consume. Please review carefully again and just think again about this point
"give back more than its consume(ption)"

no such thing as freee, it may have little resistance and move well, but will never give back more than what it needed in the first place, ie.. you will always come up short

If you had actually studied the laws of thermodynamics you would realize how ridiculous and absurd you sound. You're damning yourself the more you talk.
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