Duration of a plain 18650 cell charge...

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Well-Known Member
A common lithium cell, charged to 4.2V. If it is rated to 2000mAH, is it supposed to be capable of delivering 2 Amperes during 1 hour? Or 0.2 Amperes during 10 hours ?
Should a 30mA drain last for 2000/30 = 66 hours until reaches its depleted voltage, whatever it is ? Or is it only at a certain duty cycle per manufacturer specifications ?
What to expect at 100% on duty cycle, no off periods ?
You would need to test it and see what happens, 'usually' ratings are for fairly low discharge currents - but perhaps not so much for Li-Ion?.

A simple google finds plenty of data:
If it is rated to 2000mAH
You would need to read the datasheet to know under what conditions that rating applies. A dishonest rating might exaggerate the capacity by drawing a trivial current and running the battery down to a dangerously low voltage.
2000mAh is low for a 18650 Li-Ion cell today (most are 3000mAh to 3600mAh) so maybe yours is old and its life is gone.

The ones we buy are 2600maH Samsung ones, UK sourced from a wholesaler.

However, I've got some higher power ones at home I bought from Banggood - and while they work fine, are actually slightly larger than normal 18650's Presumably they get the higher power by been a bit bigger!.
The attachments show many No-Name-Brand batteries probably made "over there" in somebody's basement and are sold to Vapers.
google shoes many articles and videos about fake or counterfeit 18650 battery cells mostly full of flour.
Who uses more 18650 battery cells, Vapers or Laptops?
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