DVB/T digital tv receiver circuit

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New Member
Hello,i want to know what i need to build a digital receiver box.Do anyone know the components that go into a digital tv set box or may have a circuit that shows it,thanks.
I have several set top box circuit diagrams and they all have in excess of 1000 components on them. You will need a front end tuner chip that takes the incoming RF feed down to 27MHz, then a demod chip that extracts the AV info (only available under non disclosure agreement from the likes of ST etc). Apart from that, there is a ton of surrounding circuitry including micro.

Amstrad had whole teams of people working on STB design. It is not something that can be achieved by one person.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Go out and buy one (for £30) and put it in your own box
Yes, a silly idea - you can buy one for almost nothing, to buy the parts to build one would cost at least ten times as much (and probably MUCH more), you would then have to write all the software to control it - certainly not a trivial task.
Okay.Is it possible then to build a minimal version with a digital signal receiver and a digital to analog converter without all the other components that come with the set box like the card slot and stuff.I have been looking for circuits and i have with me a receiver and converter circuit.Since am new,tell me this,just how easy is it to buy a complete ciruit like in my case a dac .
No, it's a complex combination of hardware and software - you can't just buy the chips and put them together - in fact you probably can't even buy the chips at all.

Why on earth would you want to do something so pointless?.
Since am new,tell me this,just how easy is it to buy a complete ciruit like in my case a dac .

Impossible. I have 20 years experience in electronic design and would never touch this. It is not just a case of taking a digital waveform and feeding it into a DAC. The signal will be encrypted and has both amplitude and phase modulation. You not only need to take out the amplitude and phase modulation, but also do the clock extraction. As I said, set top box companies have hundreds of engineers working on this sort of stuff and have dedicated teams of experts at the chip manufacturers to support them. If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it.
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