Dvd copying

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8 hours sounds like it was ran on an 800MHz machine! With what? 256MB of ram!?

If you plan on backing up all your videos, i would recommend getting a better machine... My x2 64 rips a 2 hour dvd in about 1:50....
Thunderchild said:
8 hours ? what hardware do you have ?

The ripper actually will do it in 1.5 hrs the decoder is what takes so dang long. it will break the file down in a DOS environment adn make 2 or 3 passes at it.

AMD athalon 32/64 2 gig
2gig ram
Marks256 said:
2gb of corsair ballistix ram. (2x 1GB)

wow, can I tell you a secret? My Mac has 256MB o' RAM. I runs fine anyway, never slow, I guess most of what I do is text and internet.
I just am trying out DVD::RIP on a two hour movie. Ripping took 20 minutes, and the 1st pass transcode took an hour. The second pass is estimated to finish in about 3 hours... I need a ripping cluster...
Marks256 said:
I just am trying out DVD::RIP on a two hour movie. Ripping took 20 minutes, and the 1st pass transcode took an hour. The second pass is estimated to finish in about 3 hours... I need a ripping cluster...
Build a cluster out of Z80s?

On a side note, has anyone ever tried ripping the DVD to an image and mounting it? I'll try it next time I'm home (no DVDs here). Guessing the file would be quite large, but storage is no object for me.
theinfamousbob said:
Build a cluster out of Z80s?

At what? A whole whopping 10MHz parallel?

On a side note, has anyone ever tried ripping the DVD to an image and mounting it? I'll try it next time I'm home (no DVDs here). Guessing the file would be quite large, but storage is no object for me.

Yes. It works fine. DO NOT try to rip the mounted image with a DVD ripping program, though... It doesn't like it...

I use Gmount-iso. It is in the ubuntu repository (linux)
Ok. These next words to come out of my mouth(or fingers) should be put in the history books... I think Apple is beginning to look better and better.... I KNOW! I KNOW! It goes against everything i believe in (especially if some of you know how much i hate apple....)

I think it would be interesting to get Linux going on a Mac Book Pro. I have heard a lot of good reviews on the mac book.

anybody care to leave some feedback?

It took ~5 hours total for me to finalize that 2 hour movie. 20 minutes to rip it, 30 minutes for me to figure out how the hell to use the program D), 1:30 to do the first pass and about 2:50-3 hours to do the second pass.
Right now I'm dual-booting 10.4 and WinXP on my Macbook. A friend (who has the Pro) is doing the same thing, but he's thinking about tri-booting with Linux as a posibillity. I know it can be done, and I'm sure Google will be able to help you on this one.
Marks256 said:
can you both get the accelerometer working under both os's?
Don't know about Windows...I have a LightSaber program for OSX though...it's a "blast..."

It reacts to sudden acceleration changes with the hit sound, and anything else under that threshold makes a lightsaber hum.
**broken link removed**
Wow...just found this one (was planning on doing it; somebody beat me! )
Might use this one:
This looks a little more feeble:

I can't really find any drivers for Windows, but I'm assuming some exist somewhere for Linux.
EDIT: Found this right before posting. I'm guessing it's running Parallels full-screen:
I hate neverball, or whatever that game is called! I never win...

Now i want a macbook... I don't know if i should be happy, or want to kill myself...
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