Dynamo battery charger

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Hi there

I'd like to build a 9V dynamo battery charger. Can someone please send me a circuit diagram and an explanation.

Thanks in advance

Hi there

I'd like to build a 9V dynamo battery charger. Can someone please send me a circuit diagram and an explanation.

Thanks in advance

hi i also would like to know how to build a 9v dinamo charger let me know when you have the info.
You haven't provided enough information: you need to tell us the capacity of the battery and the current and voltage rating of the dynamo.
To get 9V out of a bicycle dynamo you must work real hard (approximately 60kmh).

Why not charge a 6V battery at moderate speeds?
If it's a bicycle dynamo then it most likely isn't a dynamo but an alternator.

The peak voltage is 8.5V so you might be able to charge a 9V battery if you work really hard and use a Schottky rectifier especially if it's really a 7.2V or 8.4V battery.
The battery specs is 9v but the current doesn't have to be specific. It must just be sufficient to power a 9v radio. Is it possible to step-up the 6.2v to 9v?
You still haven't answered my questions above.

Do you want to charge a 9V battery or power a radio or both?

A 9V radio should work from 6.2V but you might not be able to turn the volume up as much without it distorting as you would be with a 9V power supply.

Of course assuming this is 6VDC, not 6VAC which will probably destroy the radio.
hi there

the dynamo should just charge the battery. I'm thinking of using a 3W 6V dynamo. is there a schematic I can use to see how to connect everything together?

Thanks for the help
Going on my assumption that it's AC not DC, here's how I'd do it.


  • 6V alternator 9V &#9.PNG
    631 bytes · Views: 728
It won't work if it's DC.

I suggest you measure the output voltage from the generator.

Fortunately, it won't do any harm, if it's DC the battery will just fail to charge.
The circuit will be much more complicated, if the voltage is 12VDC.

I think you should make sure you know whether it's AC or DC first.

If you're not sure, connect two LEDs in reverse parallel with a 470R resistor in series and connect it to the output of the generator. If it's DC only one LED will glow, if it's AC they'll both glow.
Is it possible to use a motor instead of a dynamo? Then you could just turn the motor, and as far as I know, my motor outputs ac when turning.

Also would it charge a 9v battery if it only gives 6v or 3v power?
You could use a motor.

A DC motor will output DC and a stepper motor will output AC.

The motor will need to output a higher voltage than the battery plus a diode drop, to charge the battery.
Assuming I use a bipolar stepper that outputs 3vac, would the circuit you posted earlier on charge a 9vdc batt, if not, what can I do?
Then you'll need a voltage quadrupler to charge the battery and it presumably needs to be be multiphase too.

It's easier to use a 6VAC generator.
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