EAGLE aquired by Autodesk

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By the way Ron,

I am running EAGLE 7.7.0 with a free lite license, but EAGLE keeps converting that to a standard license- maybe it's because I say such nice things about EAGLE on the net.

Why don't you give EAGLE 7.7.0 (some earlier 7.x.x had bugs) a go and see what happens . My license converts from lite after about a month of daily use.

Before you do anything though make sure you have the Win10 megga update (effectively Win11).

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I think the presence is much more neat than before. Do you know how the new licences on the website correlate with the old ones? (You´ll find the licences here: https://www.autodesk.com/products/eagle/subscribe)

I hope there will be some usefull changes under Autodesk. As far as i can see they just copied the guided tour onto the new presence.

Are there any differences to the old free version?
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