Eagle DRC check error: "dimension" and "drill distance"

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I get "dimension layer 1" and "dimension layer 16" errors, as well as "drill distance" errors on one component: a 2W10 bridge rectifier. The hole dimensions are 0.031", the pad was auto, now enlarged but still error. The uploads show the DRC settings for "distance": 10mil and 8mil.

I searched myself a heurnia trying to find the cause, nothing found: drill distance, you could not space the holes further apart.. "dimension" error on layer 1 (top) and 16 (bottom)...

This is not the only component I designed myself for the library, but it proves the only one of two with errors (the other is about the same).


  • DRC-error1.pdf
    181.6 KB · Views: 317
  • DRC-error2.pdf
    174.6 KB · Views: 311
Please send your library with this part in it.

board: Design Rule Check, size, Minimum Drill = ????
Here are the .sch, .brd and .lbr files.

Minimum drill: 20mil
Minimum width: 8mil
Min Micro Via 9.99mm

I used both standard Eagle DRC and Sparkfun DRC, both give same errors.


  • decoderP3_v2.rar
    36.9 KB · Views: 255
The .brd file is not laid out yet, but even with partial layout I get this error. Or should the board layout be completely finished (sorry, probably stupid question )?
Here is a .brd file with fairly laid out board. Same errors.


  • decoderP3-v2.brd
    64.3 KB · Views: 268
And here the .brd after autorouting: very strange, the bridge rectifier is being ignored..


  • decoderP3-v2.brd
    83 KB · Views: 285
If you look at the library you will see you have a hole and a pad in each location. Delete the holes and the errors go away. You appear to have the same problem on some capacitors.

Great! Thank you!
I corrected the error in the package of the bridge rectifier (the capacitors I will take care of), I would never have found this one, kind of like looking very hard for something yet missing the essential.

Now I get "stop mask" errors: what could the reason be there? I did not have this error on the previous .brd?

How can I redo (reset?) the autowire? I had connector X2 rotated 180° but when autorouting now I get error messages...


  • decoderP3-v2.brd
    64.3 KB · Views: 264
It looks like you have pads in the stop mask layer. Have you changed the pads on those components?

To ripup all track you can use ripup *.

You might want to add a ground plane to that board. Draw a polygon around your board and add it to the GND net.Then after autorouting click the ratsnest button and you will have a ground plane.

Hi Mike and others, I found the reason for the "Drill distance layer 20 error" on the 3 capacitors: there was a "dimension layer" conflict with one of the holes. Which was caused by me wantig to have two packages for the same device: a capacitor with holes 0.1" apart, and one package with holes 0.15" apart.
Question: how do I combine these two different packages (each with two pads) in one device (with two connections, but for each package to one different leadlocation)?

To Pommie: no I had not changed the pads on those components. I still need to look into this but this is a very long weekend here, and my missus does not like me sitting around the computer all the time; so it will take a few days before I get to it.

Ripup: ok, works fine.

Ground plane: is the polygon to be drawn with the "wire" tool in the .brd, bottom layer?
To allow for caps of different pitch, there are some footprint in (I believe) the RCL library. You have to connect the 2 common pads together yourself. Here's a pic of the pattern I often use.

I'm short on time this morning, but I'll look up which library this is from later if you can't find it.

This is package C025_050-024X070 from the ref-packages library.
Yes I have it, but it took a bit of grey hair to find out I had to use "append" in the "device package connect" part.
You might want to add a ground plane to that board. Draw a polygon around your board and add it to the GND net.Then after autorouting click the ratsnest button and you will have a ground plane.


In what layer do I draw the polygon? I assume I have to draw this in the .sch? Or in the .brd? I don't quite understand, but would like to do it.

Edit: sorry for the unnecessary post, I found out meanwhile
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