Eagle Jumpers

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Hi Gayan,

I normally start out a schematic using 1/10" grid. If space starts beginning a problem I reduce it to 1/20". For net labels I use 1/40" to get the text as closely as possible next to the net. Using a letter size of 0.056" the labels fit well between two nets spaced 1/10".

Most parts are inch-oriented. SMDs and switches are very often metric. It depends on what package you are working with.

Mixing inch and metric parts on a PCB is quite a challenge sometimes. I start routing from the inch-oriented part and route as far as possible to the metric part. Then I switch grid to 1mil, and if that won't fit I use 0.5mil (0.127mm). PCB manufacturers work with an accuracy of 0.25mm. Even though the DRC might come up with some angle errors I don't care knowing by what they are caused.

On the PCB you won't see any difference since the inaccuracy is in the range of 1/100mm. Additionally the inaccuracy is in the solder pad, with the trace in a straight line towards the pad and angling off when reaching it.

Hi Hans thanks for your comments.

Here is the current working PCB.Its not completed still 65% completed.


  • New Timer.pdf
    41.4 KB · Views: 230
Sort of looks like you are using 7 segment displays.

Individual seven segment displays can be a challange. Next time check into the multi digit displays.
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Nice board. Better than most of mine. Might want to double check and confirm that those switch pins are internally connected. When you're almost done it'll be handy to name those floating planes 'GND' to fill in a lot of the gaps.
Hi thanks.I think I have completed the PCB.But still have small adjustments in the top layer but its ok not going to print the top layer.


  • New Timer.pdf
    40 KB · Views: 239
Hi Gayan,

if the relay in the circuit switches mains I'd not fill the gaps between pins with anything. The relay is built for minimum air distance to isolate. (risk of arcs)

I throw traces between relay pins occasionally, but only if they have to switch low voltage.

Hi Hans thats a good point.Thanks for showing that.

That cu fill I recently planned to put for Eagle PCB's.Earlier I did it from sprint.
Hi, I wanted to know why the boards i make with eagle have the component outlines blocking the connections,i had to make them with a marker.Also there are some devices not available in my Eagle 5.3.0.Is it because i am using it as freeware?Like in another post a guy asked for some package and i didnt have it also but i guess he found it!And no library was missing!
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Post a PDF of your PCB. It sounds like you are confused about what layers to enable. What package(s) are you looking for ?
Wond3rboy: Disable all grey layers. In fact i think you can disable them all just leave the top & bottom or 1 at a time.
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Wond3rboy: Disable all grey layers. In fact i think you can disable them all just leave the top & bottom or 1 at a time.

For a top foil enable TOP PAD VIAS and DIMENSION
For a bottom foil enable BOTTOM PAD VIAS and DIMENSION

I still would like to see the board.
I thought i would quote the whole thing lol

Hi, I wanted to know why the boards i make with eagle have the component outlines blocking the connections,i had to make them with a marker.
Are you printing the just the connections or all of it? the outlines and such are supposed to be on top side am i right?
If you mean that it overlaps then maybe its the component design itself.

Also there are some devices not available in my Eagle 5.3.0.Is it because i am using it as freeware?Like in another post a guy asked for some package and i didnt have it also but i guess he found it!And no library was missing!

Eagle doesnt come with everything in the world. It comes with common components. If you need something thats not there you can search online for it or you can make one yourself .. as i do all the time. It may be time consuming though.

EDIT: As 3v0 kindly stated why not post it here so we can see the exact issue. If you want to print to PDF in many other programs i suggest getting:
Bullzip PDF Printer
FREE PDF Printer

I use it all the time! it works great!
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Heres a sample its the ART2003 programmer.Thanks for your replies.

The display icon is the one just below the i (not the eye) on the toolbar. That would be the 2nd from the top on left.
It is just above the move tool.

Click on it. You will see a list of layers. Select the NONE button then go up into the list and turn on the BOTTOM PADS and DIMENSON layers. If you print now you should get what you need to do the bottom layer. (Be sure to select BLACK and SOLID in the print dialog).

Thanks 3V0,it works like a charm, now about making packages.Do you know of a good tutorial?
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This has been an interesting thread, it seems theres quite a few Eagle users here. As far as the inexpensive end of the market goes, how does Eagle stack up against other free/near-free PCB/Schem applications. Ive scanned thier web site, and it seems good and well featured for the price. Can I take it its recommended given you lot use it?
That is a can of worms. People like different packages for various reasons. One thing people do not like about Eagle is the UI. The latest version fixed some of the gripes but I am sure not all. I like it.

Eagle is the only free software that has schematic capture integrated with the board layout program. In my book it makes it the ony reasonable choice.

I am sure other programs are easier to use. I do not use them. YMMV

Thanks 3vo, the integration sounds good to me. I used to get paid to do taped layouts many moon past, but of course thats a joke nowadays, and Protel seems way over the top. Ill give it a try.
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