Eagle PCB Joints

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Active Member
I need my 90'degree joints to be filled like a triangle as in the 2nd image.
When I use polygon tool + Ratnest its endup like the 1st image.

I need nice joints.How to do that?


  • Eagle Joints.png
    26.6 KB · Views: 303
You have to name the polygon the same as the net it is attached to. If you can post the Eagle file (as a zip), I will show you.

While I prefer polygons for a lot of things, there are other ways to get almost the same effect without using a polygon.

Type in the window "polygon $n22" then draw the polygon.
Assuming the trace is names $n22.
I'd use teardrops.ulp to automatically generate teardrops at trace-pad connections and trace-trace connections.
I used to place a small thick trace at 45 degrees on either side. but a direct triangle of course can be tried and saved as a pad for future use.
Cool info guys it worked, Thanks.

I have a problem.I start downloading the newer version of eagle.It has been goverened by a new company called AUTODESK.The never version I downloaded 8.2.2.

It is very annoying & its very hard over previous cadsoft versions.Specially adding new libraries, UI icons etc...

Please tell me will I do my work with my old CADSOFT versions or shift to Annoying AUTODESK version?

Whats your Eagle versions?

Nice that you installed autodesk and trying that too, Suraj.
Mine was a crude eagle version 7.7.0 on win XP
BTW, I admire the very fiurst reply.
using polygon. As Ronsimpson rightly advised, The polygon itself would be named same as track #so that it merges wit it.
Thanks entire team who worked on this and I have much to learn.
I need my 90'degree joints to be filled like a triangle as in the 2nd image.
When I use polygon tool + Ratnest its endup like the 1st image.

I need nice joints.How to do that?

Keep in mind, as you make a branch such as shown, you also make a discontinuity. Depending on the transition speed of signal on the trace, you may find excess ringing due to impedance mismatch. The added triangle however will add capacitance may work to your advantage as it will slow some of the higher speed components.
If this is a clock signal, I would avoid the T-branch, and instead make a daisy chain connection. What I mean is > trace--------o--------o------- termination. where the o represents a load. instead of the t branch ----|----
Bad news.I still cant make T joints nicer.

I did as you all mentioned.Changed the polygon name, but nothing happened.Eagle version is 7.6.0.

Here how I did.

1. Using Wire tool draw two wires to make a T joint.
2. The default wires names are attached in the picture.
3. Using polygon tool draw a triangle over the joint.
4. Using the Name tool change the polygon name to “S$2”.
5. Click Ratnest.
6. Nothing happened the triangle still like earlier


  • T joint.PNG
    17.4 KB · Views: 319
I think I use my T joints using just a Wire tool.In this case renaming the polygons not working.

Making a T joint using a Signal tool & Routing its working.
Hi all,

I attached my PCB/Schematic design.I want to change the pad sizes of the components to 2mm. How to do that without going to each library & editing?

The other problem is I get "invalid polygon on GND signal" when I try to place a npolygon near the LED T joint.It won't allows me to add a polygon.

Really hard for me.


  • IR new board.zip
    84.3 KB · Views: 228
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Works for me:

The trace for which I did the triangle fill is 0.016". Sorry for such a large image.

You must have a setting wrong.

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